TimeMark Part 2

430 10 9

Requested by VanaTheDevilishAngel and Pinkcrystalwarrior

I like this ship but I don't like hurting Time, he's a cinnamon roll who went through a lot. 

Also how does a possessive/yandere FavremyRainbow or jealous/possessive BlueBow sound? Because I'm making both of them soon.  


Time woke up on a large bed with his hands bonded together and something, like a choker, around his neck. Looking around the room, Time noticed it wasn't his, his brother's or one that he knows of: the room was painted an extremely light blue with beige carpet floor, a small closet, a nightstand, bookshelf, a full size mirror and two doors. The Steve did his best to remember what happened to him, but he was drawing a big blank; the last thing he remembered was his brother tucking him in before he left.

'Elemental'  Time thought, he wanted his brother more than anything or at least have someone he knows here.

As Time tried to break his bonds, he heard the door open and a voice that haunts his nightmares.

"I see the princess is up" Mark said grinning at the small Steve's reaction.

"M-Mark!?" Time almost screamed. He backed as far as he could away from the entity and ended up falling off the bed causing him to yelp from the fall.

"Did you hurt yourself princess?" Mark asked walking over to Time.

"St-Stay away f-from me" Time said backing into a corner.

Mark squatted in front of the black hair Steve, "Fear is a cute expression on you, you know that princess?"

Time shook his head and curled himself in a ball, afraid of what Mark will do to him. Instead of feeling any kind of pain, he felt Mark running a hand through his hair. Slowly, Time look up to see Mark have a gentle smile on his face. Feeling less scared, the Steve uncurled himself and look at the entity in confusion.

"I'm not going to harm you princess, you went through enough already" Mark said then added, "Beside I don't want to mess up that pretty face of yours."

"C-Can you s-stop calling me p-princess?" Time asked, "I'm n-not a g-girl"

"No" Mark said bluntly, "You are a princess no matter what"

"At least tell me why you call me that" Time whined.  

Mark chuckled a bit, "Not now princess, I have my reasons. Now, let's get you back on the bed"

Before Time could say anything, Mark pick him up bridal style and laid him on the bed then he climb on top of the Steve. Mark buried his head into Time's neck and took in Time's sweet scent. Time unconsciously tilted his head giving Mark more room which the entity glad took advantage of and started to take in more of the Steve's addictive scent.

"M-Mark?" Time shivered feeling Mark's tongue going over his exposed skin.

"You smell so good princess" Mark whispered in Time's ear, "I wonder what you taste like"

Time tensed up and tried to push Mark away with his bounded hands which the entity allowed him too.

"Don't worry princess, I won't do anything  to you. I want you to keep your innocence and stay the way you are"

'Something that Elemental almost messed up like he did to me' Mark thought angerly, but made sure not to show it.

"Are you hungry?" (No joke, when I wrote this, my stomach growled)

Time nodded.

Mark got off Time who was about to get up himself when the entity picked him up.

"I can walk" Time pouted.

"I know, but you're my princess and I don't want you to get hurt." Mark smirk.


"Shh, let me take care of you princess. Go to sleep, when you wake up, everything will be fine" Mark said.

Time didn't know how or why, but he obeyed and fell into a peaceful sleep in Mark's arms.

"You messed up your chance Elemental, Time is mine now and you'll never get him back. He is no longer you're precious little brother, but my puppet princess " Mark said to no one, "I'm going to make you pay for ruining everything we worked for and trying to destroy me."


Word count: 703

Requests remining: 10

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