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Shadow Steve x FavremySabre

No I am not talking about Shadow Sabre from the videos

Requested by ArchCode91


Shadow felt the restraints that held him loosen and his conscious surfaced. He awoke to find himself still in the dark forest he was trapped in for years, but there was one difference: a human in a chicken suit laying unconscious on the ground, he probably got struck by the lighting that was released from him. Shadow look at the machine held him captive finally off. It must have been the human, such a curious thing he is. Walking over to the human, Shadow inspected him to see small cuts and scraps on him. 

"A small creature like you, freed me from years of captured" Shadow whispered running his hand through the human's soft, chocolate curls.

The human let out a groan and slowly regain his conscious. It was when Shadow pulled off his bandanna, when Sabre fully regain his conscious and was looking straight into Shadow's eyes. Meanwhile, Shadow felt his heart jump when he saw Sabre's light grey eyes that reflected his own dark grey ones.

"Wha- who are-" Sabre mumbled still a bit disorientated.

"Shh, go back to sleep" Shadow whispered running a hand through Sabre's hair, "I won't harm you my savior"

Sabre couldn't help, but to comply and fell into a peaceful sleep. Shadow stared at him for a bit before picking him up bridal style and started to walk deeper into the dark forest.

"After so long I'm free, free from that blasted machine and I have my little savior to thank from that'  Shadow smiled. He'll have to tie up some loose ends and find what had happened over the time he was absent. For now, he'll spend some time with his savior while finding a way to thank him. Ideas came to mind, but one stuck out the most, one that he more than likely to do.

Shadow soon reached a cave that hid his home from everyone and from the looks of it, no one has found it over the course of his absent. After putting the human in his bed, Shadow started to pick things up and clean his home, yes he's the guy who needs things clean before doing anything else. A bit after cleaning, Shadow noticed Sabre trying to sit up and quickly pushed him back down.

"Hey, don't move too much" Shadow advise.

"Who are you?" Sabre asked not remembering what happened, "Where am I?"

"Shadow and you're in my home" Shadow replied, "I have to thank you for releasing me from my prison"

"Shadow? Prison?" That's when it all clicked in Sabre's mind.

"Y-You're that Steve that I released from the machine in the dark forest"

Shadow nodded then lock eyes with Sabre's once again, getting lost in the beauty of those light grey.

"Do I have something on my face?" Sabre asked.

"No, but what is your name?" 

"Oh, I'm Sabre" Sabre grinned.

"Hm, so my savior is named Sabre." 

"I-I wouldn't call myself a savior. I was just curious, that's all" Sabre blushed.

"Ether way, you're my savior Sabre" Shadow chuckled, "And I do have to find a way to thank you"

"Y-You don't have too"

"But I insist" Shadow got on top of Sabre and lick his lips, "And what better way than to get to know him"

Sabre felt his cheeks heat up and bite his lip.

"Don't bit that lip" Shadow said leaning in.


"Because I want to bite it" Shadow answer and softly placed his lips on Sabre's.

Sabre was surprised, but he soon went with it, enjoying it just a bit. 

"I'm surprised that you kissed back" Shadow said when he pulled away feeling that Sabre needed air.

Sabre didn't say anything as he was panting for air and look at Shadow in a daze. He saw that the Steve's eyes were filled with lust.

"You know Sabre, I'm thankful that you're my savior because I wouldn't want anything else" Shadow said then started to lean in once again only to be pushed away.

"W-Wait, we just met a-and" 

"Shh, I understand" Shadow said with a sad smile, "I was going a bit too fast"

Sabre smiled and peck Shadow's lips.

"I guess I have to stick to watching over my little savior"


Word count: 715

Requests remaining: 3

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