09Bow Part 2

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Requested by MelissaC2000

Sorry if it seemed rush


After Rainbow teleport away with Shark in his grasp, Moose personality did a 180 and his happy go lucky attitude disappeared. With the help of Ariel, he called the others who were involved with the Steves: Sabre, Lucas, Nathan, Mogi and Spency. The five understood why the oldest was angry, and as much as Sabre and Lucas didn't want to fight the Rainbow in this world because of the Rainbow in their world, they knew it had to be done. 

Since Sabre and Lucas dealt with the Steves more, they were Plan A to convince Rainbow to release Shark. If that didn't work, the others come in as Plan B: Moose, the Saga cousins, and Nathan would distract Rainbow while Mogi and Spency find Shark. Ariel couldn't help as he had other responsiblilties to deal with. Once they got a plan, they suited up in diamond/iron armor and headed off towards Rainbow's base.

Meanwhile at said base, Rainbow decided he would have some 'fun' with the human he captured. When the colorful Steve entered the room, he couldn't help but to smile seeing the fear in Shark's eyes.

"Hello little Andrew" Rainbow said, "How are you doing today?"

Shark didn't say anything as he backed into a corner trying to put enough distance from him and the Steve. Rainbow, enjoying the young one's fear filled self, walk closer to the other.

"Don't be afriad Shark, I just want to have some fun with you" Rainbow lick his lips. Once he got close enough to Shark, Rainbow put his hands on the walls, trapping the human. 

"You're adorable you know that" Rainbow whispered in Shark's ear, "And smell rather delicious, I wonder what you taste like."

With no warning, Rainbow pushed himself onto Shark, forcing him into a kiss. Since Shark was surprised, his mouth was open allowing Rainbow to slip his tongue in Shark's and explore the human's wet cavern. When Rainbow pulled away, Shark was panting and let out a whine.

"Don't worry Sharky, there's more to come" Rainbow whispered lowly then kissed down Shark's neck as he did that, he pulled Shark's shirt off his body and continued to leave marks all over Shark's body.

Through this whole thing, Shark couldn't hold his moans in from the pleasure that the Steve was giving him. Just before Rainbow could take the brunette's pants off, he sensed people nearing his base. Disappointed that his fun was cut short, Rainbow picked up the boy and sat him on the bed. Shark, with a clouded mind, whined when Rainbow stopped doing what he was doing and tried to pulled the Steve closer to him.

"I'll be back soon Sharky, but I have to deal with some 'guests'" Rainbow said, "But when I get back, I'm going to show you how much fun were going to have"

To prove his point, Rianbow gripped Shark's hips getting a moan from the smaller.

"Don't go anywhere and I better find you like this when I come back, understand" 


"Yes what?" Rainbow teased and grabbed Shark's thigh.

"Yes master" Shark moaned.

"Good boy" Rainbow smirk then got off Shark and went to great his 'guests'


Sabre and Lucas stood outside of Rainbow's base, they were uneasy as they had a bad feeling.

"I hope he gives Shark back without a fight" Sabre said.

"Me too, I don't want to hurt Rainbow's counterpart" Lucas signed.

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