(26) LightSabre

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This has nothing to do with Star Wars. Also I requests in the order they were requested so it is fair to those who asked first.

Light Steve x FavremySabre

Requested by Olisteve


Sabre signed to himself as he walk in circle of the small base Light made. There was nothing to do after Light somehow put him in adventure mode when he tired to make a way out. Going are the small area for almost the twentieth time, Sabre signed to himself once again.

As for Light, he was hiding not to far from the human. He didn't want Sabre to feel trap, but he wanted to protect him. When Light first woke up, he felt a dark present and thought it was from the human who tried to find him, but once he notice how nice and kind he was, Light wanted to protect him. Light doesn't remember much of his past, but pieces were coming back little by little. He wants to wait until he remembers everything before he does anything so the human had to wait for a bit for both of their protection.

Light notice Sabre talking to himself and was curious to what he was saying. He leaned in to try to hear him, but he leaned  in too far that he fell from where he was.

"What am I going to do? I should ask-" Sabre heard a loud thump and quickly turn to see it was Light who landed in the snow. Out of habit, he went to make sure the Steve was okay.

"Light, are you okay?" Light look up to see the human on his knees with a concern look on his face. Light's face flushed red and gave the human a nod.

Sabre let out a sign and got up offering his hand to Light who look at it oddly. It took a moment before Light understood why the human offered his hand: to help him up. When Sabre pulled Light up, he didn't realize that the Steve was so light and accidentally pulled him into his chest. Both Steve and human face flushed red.

Light felt odd in Sabre's arms, he felt he was in safest place in the world and felt warmth that he never felt before. He hugged Sabre wanting to feel more of it, nuzzling his head into Sabre's chest. Sabre's look at Light oddly, but he thought the Steve wanted a hug so he hugged him back and put his head on Light's shoulder.

The two stood there for quite awhile to the point Light fell asleep after being lullaby by the soft and stead rhythm of Sabre's heart. Sabre let out a soft sign, he didn't have the heart to wake up the sleeping Steve. When he got a close look at Light after he fell, Sabre noticed dark circles under his eyes and knew he had problems sleeping - like him - or he used quite a bit of energy to create this area. Sabre laid both of them down so they were laying in the snow. Light had snuggle into him, craving the warmth that came off the human in waves. It's not like Sabre mind, he pulled Light closer to him noticing he was cold.

Sabre smiled and kissed Light on the head before he felt himself getting sleepy. When he fell asleep, he heard a voice say something, but he was out like a light before he could hear it.

"I think I like you"    


Word Count: 591

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