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God Steve x 09Sharkboy

God Steve will be called GS because I don't like to write God muliple times. Also Shark, Boss and Rainbow are like children and GS is their dad. Also I don't watch Shark's Saga as much so apology if it is bad.

Requested by MelissaC2000


GS glared at the two Steves and human in front of them, they sturred up a mess that was barely resolved just in time.

"I hope all of you learned your leason. None of you are above the consequences, no matter how much power you might have"

Nether of the Steves said anything to the elder as they were afriad of him and his power, but Shark spoke up as he was oblivious to the powers that Steves have.

"Sorry GS, I didn't think I would go this far" Shark said apologentic. 

GS' gaze soften looking at Shark, "In honestly Shark, you are the least to blame. You came here to enjoy this world, not to deal with *glares at the two Steves* two arguing children who are suppose to guard this world"

Boss and Rainbow hung their heads down in shame.

"I'm sorry" Rainbow said.

That surprised everyone, Rainbow was more stubborn than Boss and would not admit surrender until the very end.

"I'm sorry as well, I was not thinking about what my actions were to others" Boss said.

"You two are forgiven, but do not allow anything like this again" GS said with a warning tone, "That is all and you can leave; however, Shark, will you stay for a moment"

Boss and Rainbow teleport away while Shark walk closer to the almighty Steve.

"You need something GS?" 

GS face morphed into one of concern, "Are you hurt anywhere? I know humans are a very fragile compared to Steves"

"Besides being sore, I'm fine" Shark smiled.

"Are you sure?"

"I'm fine dad" Shark signed but had a smile on his face.

"If you say so" GS said.

It was when they were alone was when GS goes into parent mode with Shark. The Steve worries about the young human constanly, ever since he first arrived to this world. In GS' eyes, Shark was just a kid who was brought into something he didn't know.

"So what now?" Shark asked breaking the silence.

"Do you want me to accompany you home?"


The Steve teleport them to where they were before that was very far from Shark's home.

"Couldn't you teleport us to my house?"

"I could, but I wish to walk with you"

"Alright dad"

After that the two went on their way, it was peacful times like this that GS could fully relax and the human's company made him feel calm. It was odd, when humans are not running around and stuff they developed a calming aura. The Steve does not know if Shark knew this, but either way he likes the brunette near him.


"Yes GS

"How long do you tend to stay here?"

"Do you want me gone that bad?" Shark frowned.

GS shook his head, "No, if I could help it, I would like for you to say forever. However, putting my selfishness aside, I am worried about your safety"

"It's not selfish GS and you don't need to worry about me. I'm a strong human" Shark grinned, but that did not ease GS' worrying.

"I know, especially with the Boss and Rainbow situation, but what if you get hurt? You were involved with that saved you, but now that things calmed, you won't get help if you need."

"GS...I'll be fine. If it helps you can check on me whenever you get a bad feeling" Shark offered. As of now, GS was acting like a dad worried about his kid going somewhere he can't protect them.

"Besides, Nathan and Moose will keep me company along with some of my other friends so I won't be alone all the time"

"Fine" GS signed, there are some things that the powerful Steve wishes he could do, like keeping Shark out of trouble and protect him. Unfortunately, that is something he can not do.

"Don't worry dad, I'll be on my best behavior"

"I've been meaning to ask, but why do you keep calling me 'dad'? Certainly you have a father of your own"

Shark's face formed a frown and stopped walking. The Steve look at the human confused on why he suddenly stopped.


"I don't have a dad, I never knew my parents. The closest I had to a parental figure were Moose and Nathan, but they are my best friends."

"Why don't you know your parents?"

"I don't know, all I know is that I was in an orphanage since I was seven" Shark explained.

GS, knowing what to do, hugged the human and petted his brown hair in an effort to comfort him.

"If it makes you feel better, you can call me dad as you wish"

Shark said nothing as hugged the Steve tighter, enjoying the feeling of finally having part of a void in his heart filled by someone who was missing his whole life.


Word count: 850

Requests remaining: 16

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