(70) ReverseLucas

533 7 41

Reverse Steve x Reverse Thelspike

Set in the Reverse Dimension and I don't know how Reverse Lucas will work out so if anyone has a guess let me know.

Warning: mention of depression and starving oneself. 

Requested by MelissaC2000


Lucas was young when he experience a lot of bad stuff in the world, he even fell into the darkness that he fought. It was when he was of verge of giving up on day when he met his savior: a colorful Steve name Reverse. The Steve saved him all those years ago and gave him a place he could call home. Everything was fine, that was until Reverse stopped coming home for days.   

It was late evening as Lucas was deciding whether or not to make dinner for him and Reverse, that's if Reverse does come home. Lately, Reverse has not been spending time at the Reverse Town as much as did and this caused Lucas to become extremely lonely. At one point, Lucas stopped expecting Reverse to come back at all and he should just leave. The only reason he didn't is that small hope that the Steve would come back but even that is fading away. Signing to himself, and feeling the tears slid down his face, Lucas went up stairs to his bed, once again not eating. Yeah, Lucas has barely ate anything for the past few weeks or so because his loneliness over powered his hunger majority of the time (this is me for weeks). He knows it's not healthy to skip meals, especially so many, but he couldn't help it. At this point, he lost taste in a lot of things. Reverse saved him from this years ago, but now he's the cause of Lucas going back to the darkness he thought he broke free from.

Once Lucas' head hit the pillow, he was out like a light. This should be a good thing, but the problem was that Lucas did not fall asleep because he was tired.


Reverse let out a sign, he's been exploring the lands for days, which he has yet to know since he's been underground for a long time. The Steve felt happy to finally finish exploring a portion of the world of his map while gather much needed materials. After three days, that's how long he thought he's been gone, Reverse could go home and spend time with his blonde prince. On his way back, the Steve passed by a village he found earlier and decided to see if he could trade anything. 

"Ah, hello Reverse" A fisherman, Phil, greeted Reverse. Phil was one of the villagers that Reverse became friends with when he goes on small explorations.

"Hey Phil, what's new?" Reverse asked.

"Nothing much, just, I haven't seen you for almost a month since you started this journey" 

"A month? Phil, I haven't been gone that long" Reverse started to panic.

"Sorry sonny, but it's the truth" Phil said, "Is everything alright? You look pale, I mean your colors look lighter"

Reverse shook his and started to run, "I'll talk to you later Phil!"

Phil watch as the Steve running, soon flying, away.

"I wonder what's wrong with him" Phil muttered before getting back to work.


Reverse flew as fast as he could to the Reverse Town as dark thoughts about his little human filled his head. 

'A month, I was gone for a month, I left him with nothing about where I was going. He must so worried. No, he's not worried, he's passed that. I'm coming Lucas!'

Reverse wasted no time as he broke the front door of the Reverse House, went up the stairs and rushed into Lucas's room. A wave of relief washed over the Steve seeing that his small human sleeping in his bed, but something told him nothing as it seems. Quickly yet quietly, Reverse walk over to Lucas' bed to see if this feeling was right.

"Lucas" Reverse whispered lightly shaking the blonde, "Wake up Lu Lu"  

These gently and soft shakes turned into ones of desperation. No matter how hard Reverse tried, Lucas wouldn't wake up so in a last ditch effort, the Steve used his weakest lighting to shock Lucas awake. The blonde woke up from the jolt.

"Wha-" Before Lucas could comprehend what was happening, Reverse encompass in a hug.

"Reverse?" Lucas said confused.

"I'm sorry, I'm so so sorry Lucas. I lost track of time while exploring and only found I was gone for a month when a friend of mine told me. I never meant to leave you for so long." Reverse apologize all at once.

"R-Reverse, y-you're back" Lucas said with a weak smile, "I-I'm s-so happy"

Lucas went into a coughing fit, it's been so long since he last talk and his voice was dry from the lack of water. Reverse look at Lucas in worry as he help him sit up so it would be easier for him to breath, but Reverse felt something that made him want to puke: he could felt Lucas' ribs.

"Lucas, when was the last time you ate? And I mean a proper meal" Reverse asked worried about the answer not that he needed one since he already knows.

"Three days after you *cough* left" 

Reverse felt so much guilt right now, he was the cause of this when he should have known better. Gently, the Steve pick up Lucas bridal style and headed to the kitchen to get something in Lucas' stomach. As for Lucas, he wrap his arms around Revere's neck happy that his Steve was back, he miss Reverse so much.

"Do you think you can stomach some mushroom stew?" Reverse said sitting Lucas on the counter then got him so water.

After Lucas drinks the water, he responded yes and Reverse went to work, occasionally looking over to Lucas.

"Lu, why didn't you eat?"

"Because I don't want to eat without you" Lucas said shyly.

Reverse signed and brought the stew over to Lucas who reached out for it, but the Steve shook his head and brought the spoon to his face. 

"I can feed myself" Lucas protested.

"Let me feeding you Lucas, please" Reverse begged

Lucas signed and allowed Reverse to do as he wants until he was too full to eat anymore or he was at the point that anymore would cause him to puke. Reverse didn't force him to eat anymore as he put the half full bowl of stew to the side then put his hands on either side of Lucas.

"Are you okay Lu?"

"I'm fine, though I'm sorry for worrying you" Lucas said looking away feeling tear gathering up in his eyes, "I tried to fight it, but I couldn't, I'm weak"

Reverse frowned and tilted the blonde's chin so they were looking into each other's eyes.

"Don't ever say that Lucas, you are strong and it was all my fault, I should have payed attention to the time." Reverse sign then started to feel Lucas, "If I did then you wouldn't do this to your perfect body"

Lucas blushed lightly, "M-My body isn't perfect"

"Oh yes it is. It's all nice and curvy, and it fit's perfectly in my arms" Reverse wrap Lucas' legs around his waist as Lucas wrap his arms around the Steve's neck, "Your so adorable it should be a crime"

Lucas bit him lip as red cover his face.

"We'll continue this tomorrow when you get better" Reverse smiled and carried Lucas to his room a few doors down Lucas'.

Laying Lucas on his bed, Reverse kissed his forehead before getting into bed himself. Imminently, Lucas cuddled into Reverse's chest feeling a peace for the first time in a way. Reverse wrap his arms around his little human.

"Goodnight my Lu Lu"


Word count: 1303 

Requests remaining: 11

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