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Yandere Reverse x FavremySabre

To let everyone know, when ever I plan for someone to be Yandere it doesn't work - like this-, but when I type whatever I get a Yandere, I don't understand why. 

High School AU

Requested by MelissaC2000


Reverse wasn't the one cared for much he thought people were just a waste of time and energy so he acted as he wants to. Between not having much care for anyone or thing, he has a very bad temper and can get physical. Both the students and teachers were afraid of him, there was nothing they could do to the boy as his parents were the ones who funded majority of the school's programs. 

Yeah, Reverse is a rich boy. 

There's only very few who could stand him and one is his best friend Sabre. Before anyone can say anything, Reverse acted differently when it comes to Sabre as they grew up together since they were six. Since then Reverse made it his goal to scare away anyone who dares approach the brunette. He would do anything for his small chicky, even if it is illegal. 


Sabre walk into his first class of the day and he took his seat in the back next to his best friend Reverse. 

"Hey chicky, how are you doing?" Reverse asked giving Sabre his full attention.

"Fine, but can you stop calling me chicky" Sabre pouted, "It's been years since I wore my chicken onesie"

"Nah, chicky suits you as you are small, fluffy and soft" Reverse smirked and ran a hand through Sabre's hair. 

Sabre blushed, "Re-"

"Boys!" The teacher called out getting Sabre's attention while getting a glare from Reverse. 

'How dare this lady take Sabre's attention from me' Reverse thought.

"Y-Yes ma'am" Sabre stuttered, it wasn't often he was called out by a teacher for talking to Reverse.

"There will be no talking during the lesson, understand" The teacher said sternly glaring at the two.

Sabre whimpered then nodded, he's usually a good kid and gets good grades so all of his teachers leave him alone - not just because of Reverse - but this teacher is new the school.

After some time, the teacher left to do some other work and allowed everyone else to talk amongst themselves.

Grabbing Sabre out of his seat, Reverse put the brunette on his lap and nuzzled into his neck. Sabre, use to his friend's actions, grab a book from Reverse's bag and start reading. This was something normal between them, it helped Reverse calm down a lot. His therapist was the first to notice this and suggested for the two to be in the same classes and such in case Reverse goes off in the deep end. 

After a few minutes, Sabre noticed someone in front of them and both heard that person clear their throat. Knowing Reverse was asleep based on his breathing, Sabre acknowledged the person. 

"Can I help you?" Sabre asked politely.

The person turned out to be Susan (random), one of the preppy, rich girls of the school.

Twirling a lock of her silky blonde hair with her fingers, she said, "Yes actually, I was wondering if you could back off my boyfriend"

"Your boyfriend?" Sabre asked in confusion, "Reverse never told me he had a girlfriend."

Susan rolled her eyes, "Of course he does, a person like him does have a girlfriend like me. Just like he's dating you out of pity. To get more publicity!"

"Dating? Pity? We've been friends since we were six and nothing more"

"As if! You are someone of lower class, no one as popular and rich as him is just using you. And you are using him for his money"

"You are wrong. Reverse isn't using me"

"As his girlfriend" Susan pulled Sabre off Reverse's lap by tugging his hair, "I know when my boyfriend is being played who only wants him for money!"

"I'm sorry, but he never told me he had a girlfriend! And we're not dating!" Sabre said. His patience was wearing thin.

"That's because-"

"I don't have on" 

Both Sabre and Susan turned to see an extremely triggered Reverse. Getting in between the two and glaring down at Susan.

"Stop making up lies. I told you I don't need anyone, but my chicky. I don't care about you, the people here, the teachers, this school, nothing. Now if you're done accusing my best friend of doing something that he never did and will never do, please get out before I lose my temper."   

Cutting her losses, Susan ran out leaving everyone going back to what they were doing. Reverse turned around so he was facing Sabre.

"You think of me as your best friend?" Sabre asked. Never had Reverse called him anything but chicky and even that was an insult according to some people.

Reverse's face soften, "Of course you are. You are the only one who can stand and calm me down."

Grinning, Sabre gave Reverse a hug who hugged him back.

"Do you want to skip? I don't think I can stand anyone else today" Reverse signed.

"You go one ahead, I'll tell the teacher and the office what happened"

Watching the brunette walk out, Reverse grabbed both his and Sabre's bag.

'One day I'll show you how much I appreciate you as my friend Sabre so you won't have to question if we are friends'


Word count: 902

Requests remaining: 17

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