(54) InfintiySabre

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Infinity Steve x FavremySabre

Requested by Sworflame12

Sorry this took so long, I'm trying to work out a schedule between school, making videos, updating my stories, a job etc.


It was the afternoon as Lucas walk around the Rainbow Town seeing what his friends were doing when he saw Positive and Negative ran to him in sync as usual. Usual they would have different expression being literally opposites of each other, but this time they both had worry all over their face.

"Positive, Negative? What's wrong?" Lucas asked. 

"Have you seen a Steve that is a mix of red and yellow with an infinity sign on his chest?" Positive asked in a hurry.

"Um, besides you too, no" Lucas answered confused, "Why? Is something wrong?"

Negative ran his hand through his hair, "He's our older brother that we recently go in contact with. He was suppose to be coming here, but"

"I get it, I'll ask around while you two keep searching" Lucas suggested.

"Should we tell Sabre?" Positive asked.

Lucas shook his head, "He's out getting supplies"

"I hope they don't meet, our brother isn't the nicest when you first meet him" Negative said with Positive nodding in agreement. Every when Positive and Negative met their brother for the first time, he was distant, cold, rude, and it took days for him to show his soft side.

"We better find him before Sabre finds him" Lucas said before the three went off.


Fortunately their wishes came true as Sabre did not find Infinity instead Infinity found Sabre.

Sabre was focused on mining some coal above ground that he didn't see the heterochromia eyes staring at him just behind the tree line. The figure had been watching Sabre for some time as the human chop down trees, mined materials, and some other stuff. His brothers were right, the human in the chicken suit is something else.

When Sabre finished mining the coal and turned around he saw a pair of different color eyes watching him before disappearing in a blink of an eye. This wasn't the first time he saw these eyes, no, every time he finished a task, those eyes would be there when his turn around before disappearing. At first Sabre thought it was he was seeing things, but after the second or third time, he knew he wasn't seeing things. 

"Is anyone out there?" Sabre called out again and once again he didn't get an answer. Letting out a sign, Sabre continued to gather materials.

Wanting to have some fun and not go through a dark forest, Sabre climbed a tree and walk on top of the leaves (I love doing that). As he enjoyed the view, Sabre failed to look where he was going. It took one step for Sabre to fall from a very tall tree that would surley kill him (we are doing minecraft logic) or damage him very bad. Preparing for the impact that will come, Sabre closed his eyes waiting to hit the ground and feel the pain.

Only it didn't.

Instead Sabre felt someone catch him.

Opening his eyes, Sabre saw Steve with yellow and red eyes looking at him with concern.

"Are you okay?" He asked in his deep voice. The Steve floated back on top of the tree and let Sabre down, but did not let him go.

"I-I'm fine, thanks for c-catching me umm..." Sabre trailed off not knowing the Steve's name. The Steve look as though he could be related to Positive and Negative.

"Infintiy" He said, "And yes, I am related to Positive and Negative"

"How did-"

"You're the type of person who would ask" Infinity shrugged.

Sabre nodded, "I should head back to the Rain- I mean my home" 

"My brothers told me everything and I was heading there anyways. How about we go together? If you can show me the way, I can fly us to make the trip faster" Infinity suggested though he already knew where the town was, he wanted to be in Sabre's company.

"Uh, sure I can woah!" Infinty put an arm under Sabre's legs and one on his back then hosted him up off of the ground. Sabre automatically wrap his arms around Infinty's neck afraid that the Steve would drop him.

"Don't worry" Infinity whisper softly, "I won't drop you"

"O-Okay" Sabre blushed.

"You look cute like this" Infinity whispered getting Sabre to blush ever more.

After staring at Sabre for a few more moments he started to fly off to the Rainbow Town while listening to the directions Sabre gave him to go to get there. After some time, Sabre stopped talking after telling Infinity to go a certain direction and that was five minutes ago. Looking down at the human, Infinity couldn't help but to smile softly at the sleeping human in his arms. 

About ten minutes later, Infinity floated above the Rainbow Town then slowly desend, holding Sabre tighter but not tight enough to wake up the sleeping beauty.


"Where is he?!" Positive pretty much screamed. Him, Negative and Lucas have been looking for Infinity for hours and yet to find him.

"Brother clam down" Negative said softly.

"Don't 'brother' me Negaitve" Postive growled.

Meanwhile, Lucas was keeping his distance afraid that Positive will go off soon.

"I swear if he doesn't show up then-"

"Then what?"

The three turned to see Infinity holding a sleeping Sabre in his arms.

"Aren't you going to answer your older brother?" Infinity glared.

"I-I um I" Positive stuttered nervously. He pretty much coward under his older brother's glare so did Negative.

Lucas looked at the three brothers with confusion, but his focused was on Sabre who was still sleeping.

"Um, sorry for inturrupting" Lucas gained all of the attention, "Infinity right, if you don't mind, can you take Sabre to his room?"

 "Sure" Infinity said.

Both Positive and Negative were shock and confused, never had their brother spoke to someone new, he just nods and grunts. Plus the way he's carrying Sabre, he's already showing his soft side to two new people of different species. 

"It's in the Rainbow House, second floor and you'll see a sign on the door with his name on it" Lucas told Infinity.

Infinity nodded and carried Sabre to where Lucas told him to go. Once he found the room, Infinity put Sabre onto the bed and cover him with his green sheet. 

"Goodnight sleeping beauty" Infinity kissing the top of Sabre's head.


Word count: 1080

Requests remaining: 1

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