(42) ReverseSabre Part 4

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Requested by Pinkcrystalwarrior

(Reverse Sabre can't see through his bandanna like regular Sabre)


After that night Reverse marked Sabre, he's been very affectionate and clingy, you can say even more possessive than usual, towards his human. The Steve didn't let his human out of his sight for one moment for days, not that Sabre known because Reverse made him keep his bandanna on at all times only to take it off when Reverse said or did so which was not often as Sabre would like. Every night for several days, Reverse would sleep with Sabre and made sure that the mark continue to look freshly made. As much as Sabre would like to question Reverse, he was scared that the Steve might do something. Yes he loves spending time with Reverse as he did, but he wants some space. Thankfully, he got his wish after a week and a half; Reverse said he didn't have to wear his bandanna anymore and let him go out on his own. Though, the Steve didn't leave the town until a week or two later. Once again Sabre was left alone in the town after Reverse promised him he will return when he is finish. Sabre went to do his daily chores to occupy his time like usual.

"There all done" Sabre said happily as he finished planting crops in his small garden.

"Nice work Sabre"

Sabre quickly turned around to see a Steve he hasn't seen in weeks.


"In the flesh" Dream said making his way to the human, "How have you been?"

"I've been fine Dream, thanks for asking"

"Your welcome and I see that you and Reverse" Dream traced the mark on Sabre's neck making him shiver, "gotten closer"

"Y-Yeah" Sabre blushed.

"Sabre, can I ask you a question?"


"Do you know why Reverse is keen on protecting you and keeping you to himself?"

Sabre tilted his head, "Because he loves me"

Dream shook his head and look at Sabre in sadness, "You're a good person and Reverse isn't. Sabre, Reverse is using you"

Sabre looked at Dream in shock, "Wh-What do you mean? Reverse would never use me"

Dream gave Sabre a book, "This is Reverse's, I found it in his hideout weeks ago. I didn't understand what all of it meant, but when I met you I understood."

The book that Dream gave to Sabre was an old one with sticky notes poking out of it. Sabre wanted to read it, but it felt wrong.

"I-I don't know, this is Reverse's and-"

"Sabre, please, I don't want to see you hurt" Dream pleaded, "Just read some of his notes"

Sabre bit his lip before opening the book.













"I-Is this true?" Sabre looked at Dream with a betrayed expression as tears fell from his eyes.

Dream didn't say anything as he hugs Sabre who sobbed into his chest, the book that he once held was on the ground open on a certain page with a note on it.

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