(46) GalVoid

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Vampire Void Steve x Galaxy Steve

Supernatural AU

Requested by VanaTheDevilishAngel

Congratulations, this is the longest oneshot chapter every. What has my life become... 


Galaxy was on his way to his boyfriend, Void, house after getting a very worrying call from him for Galaxy to come over as soon as possible. It was worrying because Galaxy never heard that type of tone with him unless it was something serious. Though a lot of scenarios, mostly bad ones, ran through Galaxy's mind, he kept a positive attitude.

Once Galaxy reached his Void's home, he knocked on the door and waited for someone to open it. Even though he has a key to the house and could walk in if he chose to, Galaxy felt he was intruding. He got the key after dating Void for one year from Void's dad who became a father like figure to Galaxy. Void's dad pretty much adored Galaxy after spending time with him, Void's mom on the other hand wasn't very accepting of Galaxy for some reason.

'I wonder what's wrong, I just hope Void is okay' Galaxy thought to himself.

"Hello there Galaxy"

"Hi Mr. Venus" Galaxy greeted Void's dad. 

(I am watching a space documentary right now) 

"Galaxy, what did I tell about calling you that" The older man said in a light scolding tone.

"Not to, sorry Neptune" Galaxy corrected himself. Mr. Ve - Neptune had insisted for Galaxy to call him by his first name or dad when Void first introduced them.

Neptune smiled and opened the door for Galaxy to come inside.

"So what are you here for? Besides my son obliviously" Neptune chuckled.

Galaxy's cheeks dusted light red, "V-Void called me and told me to came here as soon as possible. He said he had something important to tell me"

"I see, so he's finally going to tell you" Neptune said.

"You know what it is?"

"I do, actually I told Void he should tell you soon before you two get very serious" Neptune put a hand on Galaxy's shoulder, "Just keep an open mind, my boy loves you so much Galaxy, remember that"  

Galaxy nodded his head, though he was a bit confused at Neptune's words, and went upstairs to Void's room, but he ran into Void's mom; the one person in Void's family who hates him. 

Mercury glared at Galaxy, "What are you here for boy?"

"V-Void said he n-needed to talk to me" Galaxy stuttered.

"So he's finally going to tell you. I hope you hate him and never come back"

"W-Why would you say that?"

"My son deserves a beautiful girlfriend or a cute/strong boyfriend instead he got an ugly, weak mortal like you" Mercury growled.

Galaxy bit his lip as he fought back his tears, ever since Void and him started dating, Mercury has been trying to separate them. She mostly bullied Galaxy with words, trying to get him to think he's not good enough for Void. After Void found out he yelled at his mom and held Galaxy in his room for hours telling him that Mercury's words meant nothing. During that time, Neptune had a few words with his wife resulting in Mercury barely saying anything to Galaxy and just gives him nasty looks. When they are alone like this, Mercury reverts back to her old ways.

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