(55) ReverseBow

703 6 2

Reverse Steve x Rainbow Steve

Requested by ArchCode91


Rainbow swung his legs back and forth on his bed as he waited for his friends to come by to get him. He couldn't go met them because nether of his parents would let him out unless he was with them or someone they trust very much which, thankfully, they trust some of his friends, well very few of them, okay four of them. His family pretty much forbid him from seeing the rest, especially his best friend from birth Reverse. Though Reverse is five years older than him, Rainbow look up to him a lot - more than his parents want him - and hangs out with him quite a bit - which is something his parents disapprove.  

"Rainbow, Sabre, Lucas, Light and Blue are here" Rainbow's mom called.

"Coming mom" Rainbow replied. He hop down from his bed and ran to the front door where he sees three of his several friends standing there.

"See you guys later!" Rainbow yelled as he followed his friends outside.

"Be safe honey!" Rainbow's mom yelled just before they went out of earshot.

As they rounded the corner to get to the park where the rest of their friends were waiting for them when two people appeared behind a tree and two appeared from a bush scaring the four cinnamon rolls. Lucas and Sabre pulled out their baseball bats they brought, Rainbow hid behind the two along with Blue .

"You should have seen the look on your face!" One of them said and laughed with the other three.

"Not funny Dark" Sabre growled. Both him and Lucas glared at the four boys that scared the living day light out three of them: Dark, Reverse, Red and Plague.

 "Oh come on, have some humor" Red laughed.

"What are you four doing here?" Lucas asked.

"We're going to have a race" Plague replied.

"But Red and Reverse live on the opposite side of the park" Blue said confused.

"You see, you four were being slow so we decided to do something about it" Reverse said walking to Rainbow. The other three did the same: Red walk to Blue, Plague walk to Lucas and Dark walk to Sabre. 

All at once they pick up the person they walk to and started to run with them in their arms. Well, three of them as Sabre accidently hit Dark making him drop him. Plague then tripped on his own two feet a few seconds later getting him out of the race leaving Red against Reverse. As for the ones they were carrying: Rainbow had a light blush on his face as Reverse carried him while Blue was very confused to what was happening.

"We're going to beat you Reverse!" Red shouted behind him just moments before he entered the park followed by Reverse, then Plague and finally Dark who was being held up by Sabre.

"I won, now the three of you have to confess" Red stuck out his tongue at his friends.

"Confess what?" Plague asked.

"The bet remember, the loser have to confess something to the person their carrying" Dark said plainly.

"Uh, guys Lucas is my cousin" Plague said getting Dark to shut his mouth very quickly.

"Can someone tell me what's going on!" Sabre final shouted.

Dark signed and dragged Sabre somewhere, Reverse did the same thing but carried Rainbow and went the opposite direction.


Rainbow look up at Reverse who hasn't said a word to him as he continued to carry him through the park.

"Um, Reverse are you okay?" Rainbow finally asked.

Reverse didn't say anything as he continued walking.

Rainbow bit his lip, trying to keep his tears at bay. He was thinking that Reverse was mad at him from making him lose the race. Reverse probably thought he was the lightest so he would be easier to carry and could win the race. 

'And the bet Dark talk about, maybe it was to tell us something. What if the losers had to tell us that  they no longer want to be our friends? Sabre would be so crushed. Wait...what if Reverse doesn't want to be my friend anymore? What if he never wanted to be my friend in the first place and just pretended?'

"Rainbow, come on Bow snap out of it" 

Rainbow blink away from his thoughts to see that Reverse sat him down under a shady tree and was looking at him with concern.

"Rainbow, are you okay?" Reverse asked wiping a tear from Rainbow's face who just notice he's been crying.

"I-I'm fine" Rainbow replied wiping his face with his sleeves.

"Rainbow, I want, no, I need to tell you something" Reverse said with a lot of hesitation.

"Wh-What is it?" Rainbow asked and hope that it wasn't the thing that he thinks it is.

Reverse look away and said, "I don't want to be friends anymore" 

When Reverse look up to say the rest of his sentence he saw something that broke his heart, a hurt filled, crying Rainbow. As for Rainbow, he felt as though he was stabbed in the chest repeatedly.

"Rainbow let me finish" Reverse went to touch Rainbow, but the younger moved away.

"I-I knew it" Rainbow cried, "I knew you never wanted to be my friend"

"Rainbow wait-!" But Rainbow was already running away letting out sobs as he ran.

Reverse got up and ran after the colorful Steve who was faster than he looked. When he finally found him, Rainbow was crying in Blue's arms as Blue tried his best to comfort him.

"Tell me what's wrong Rain" Blue said trying to help his friend.

"R-Reverse said h-he d-didn't want to be my f-friend any more" Rainbow sobbed.

Blue look up to see Reverse with a hurt expression, but at the same time a thankful look. Out of everyone, Blue is the only one who knows an incomplete story when he hears one.

"Rain, talk to Reverse, maybe he said that because he didn't want to say something else" Blue reasoned. 

"Wh-What else could he say that he didn't want to say!" Rainbow said with a bit of anger in his tone.

"I don't want to be friends because I want to be more than that" 

Rainbow quickly turned to see Reverse standing there. Blue walk away knowing the two needed to talk. Reverse walk up to Rainbow and held both of his small hands with his own lager ones.

"Rainbow, there's something I've wanting to tell you. I love you, I love you more than a friend and I wanted to ask you something important" Reverse took a deep breath and look deep in Rainbow's red eyes with his blue ones, "Rainbow, will you be my b-boyfriend?"

No words could come out of Rainbow's mouth so he hugged Reverse tightly and quickly nodded his head several times. Reverse felt a huge weight lifted off of his shoulders as he pulled Rainbow closer to him, happy he could hold him without thinking Rainbow would be weirded out.

"I love you so much Bow" Reverse kissed the top of Rainbow's head.

"Love you too Re" Rainbow said happily.


Word count:  1200

Requests remining: 2

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