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Reverse Steve x ThelSpike

Requested by MelissaC2000


This is like ReverseSabre (with 3 parts) in You Decide Book 2 but if Reverse went for Lucas


Sabre and Lucas were patching some places to make the Rainbow Town neater and to hide some machines that they might use at a later time. During a good portion of it, Sabre kept on talking to Rainbow asking him what he was doing or where he was. It confused both Rainbow and Lucas, but Lucas started to notice why Sabre was asking when he noticed Rainbow watching them when he said he was somewhere else. Both humans agreed that they weren't going mad, but took Rainbow's advice to take a break and clear their head. Sabre went into the forest while Lucas walk to a clearing where a large lake was. This was that place he went to clear his head since it was so peaceful. Sitting under a large tree, thoughts of who him and Sabre saw came back his mind, but they faded away as he started to fall asleep. 

A figure watches the blonde from a distance

Soon Lucas started to fall asleep when he heard a twig snap, jolting him awake.

"Who's there?" Lucas called out. A few times, out of the corner of his eye, he would see a colorful figure hiden in the bushes and trees.

"Rainbow? Is that you?" Lucas stood up and was about to walk over to where he last saw the bright colors.

Before he could take a step forward, Lucas felt someone hug him from the behind. Glancing to the side, Lucas saw the different colors on the person holding him.


"Guess again" Lucas flinch when he felt the Steve's warm breath in his ear.

"I-I don't k-know" Lucas shook, no one else had multiple colors except Rainbow and-

"You're that Steve who was watching Sabre and I earlier" The blonde realized.

The Steve nuzzled his head on Lucas' shoulder, "I prefer the name Reverse, Lucas"

"What do you want?"

"Hmmm, what do I want" Reverse said in a playful tone. He turned the human around so that they were face to face. The Steve then unwrapped an arm around Lucas to caress that pale skin on his cheek.   

"What I want is you Lucas" Reverse smirk slowly moving his hand further down Lucas' side, "I want both you and the brunette"

"Leave Sabre out of this!" Lucas growled. No one, and he means no one, will touch his friend with him knowing.

"Don't worry your little head Lucas, I won't hurt either of you; you two are too precious to me to hurt. Plus it's not him you need to worried about being touch"

Lucas' breath hitch when he felt a cold hand under his shirt on his hip.

"Like I said, you shouldn't be worried about your friend" Reverse whispered in the blonde's ear.

"Why are you doing this?" Lucas gritted his teeth.

"Because Lucas, you noticed me, you and the brunette. I want both of you. You can see I'm killing two birds with one stoned: I get two wonderful friends and that Rainbow Steve will know what's it like to be alone."

Lucas' growled, "So this is just revenge on Rainbow"

"Oh no my dear Lucas, this is about taking back what's rightfully mine." Reverse took his hand from under Lucas' shirt and back on his check, "Plus I might get a bit more in return don't you think?"

Lucas knew what Reverse was about to do when the Steve tilt his head to the side and no way in the Nether he'll go like that. Mustering everything he had, Lucas kick Reverse's leg making the Steve loosen his grip giving the blonde his chance. Running like his life depended, Lucas ran to find Sabre and get to the Rainbow Town as soon as possible.

As for Reverse, well, he was staring at the direction Lucas ran.

"Oh little Lucas, I do love a chase. Soon I'll have both of you and we'll be together forever. Though, you're mine to mark and have forever"


Word count: 680

Requests remaining: 11 

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