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Infinity Steve x Rainbow Steve

You know, every time I start a new game of Minecraft, an infinity bow with flame is the one weapon goal I have. Also remember the oneshot that combine PositiveLucas and NegativeSabre? Well this is what happened in Sabre's world while Sabre and Lucas were in Lucas' world. 

Requested by VanaTheDevilishAngel


Rainbow was alone in the Rainbow Town after Sabre rushed over to Lucas' world muttering something about Positive, Negative and Lucas. So once again Rainbow was left behind, though he guessed it was an emergency seeing how the brunette was acting. Eventually, Rainbow decided to go fishing to take his mind of things so he grabbed a fishing rod and a chest to put items in. The colorful Steve was distracted with fishing that he didn't hear the lightning not to far from him.

"Come on, come on!" Rainbow yelled in frustration when he couldn't reel his line because he was playing tag-war with a fish.

Rainbow pulled so hard that he won the game, but started to fall backwards. He prepared himself for the fall only to find himself being pulled into a solid chest.

"Who knew such a strong Steve, could be defeated by a simple fish?" An amused voice said in Rainbow's ear.

Rainbow tensed up, he knows that voice from anywhere and to prove his theory, he look down to see red and yellow arms holding him tightly. The colorful Steve tried to struggle out of Infinity's grasp, but it was no use. Infinity chuckle at Rainbow's attempt of escaping him, it was pointless since he was stronger and he won't let go of his target no matter what.

"L-Let me go I-Infinity" Rainbow said trying not to sound afraid, but was failing miserable.

Infinity let out a hum before answering, "I don't think so little Steve, you're mine now"

Rainbow was praying to Notch that Sabre and/or Lucas will come to his rescue and help him get rid of Infinity.

"And don't be expecting your friends to save you. Currently they're dealing with my counter parts" Infinity said as though he read Rainbow thoughts, "Even if they could, I won't let you out of my grasp that easy"

The colorful Steve let out a gasp when he felt Infinity's lips on his neck, nipping on the sensitive flesh until he found the spot that brought a certain noise from him. Infinity smirk, he wasn't going to do it just yet since he wants to play with the little Steve a little bit. Rainbow found himself being turned so that him and Infinity were face to face.

"You know little Steve, you're cute when you blush" Infinity said unwrapping one arm from Rainbow's body to use to play with his red hair.

"I-I'm not c-cute!" Rainbow yelled and tried to escape the red/yellow Steve once again.

"When will you learn?" Infinity signed he then gripped Rainbow's hair and yank it hard, "You're not getting away from me little Steve; you're mine and I don't let what I want go so easily." 

Rainbow yelped from the pain of his hair being pulled and halting any movement as tears prickled his eyes.

Infinity smirk, "That's better"

He then petted the spot where he pulled ease the pain a bit. Infinity had to admit, he didn't mean to pull so hard, but he needed Rainbow to see who was in control. Lightly, the taller Steve touch Rainbow's cheek, feeling the heat radiating from them.

"Wh-What do y-you want?" Rainbow asked hoping that would get Infinity back on track and get him to leave sooner.

"You really want me to leave that bad don't you?" Infinity said sadly. His teasing aura faded into a sadden one.

"I really do!" Rainbow shouted not wanting to play anymore of Infinity's games, "Just do whatever you need to get and get away from me!"

Infinity look deep into Rainbow eyes, seeing all the emotions within them and knew his next move would change how the smaller felt about him for the better or the worst.

"I'm sorry Rainbow, I didn't mean to upset you" Infinity apologized, "And I'm sorry for what I'm about to do"

"What do you mean by- mmph!" Rainbow's eyes widened when he felt a pair of lips on his.

It only took Rainbow a few seconds to realized that Infinity was kissing and a few more for him to softly kiss back. Infinity was surprised when he felt Rainbow kissing back, but he did not questioned it as he continue ravish the colorful Steve's mouth. After two minutes, Rainbow started to feel light headed and Infinity knew it so he broke the kiss and attacked the smaller's neck knowing exactly where his weak points are.

"I-Inifinty" Rainbow moaned softly.

"You're so adorable" Infinity said into Rainbow's skin, "You don't know how long I've been wanting this"

"I-In- ahh!" Rainbow screamed when Infinity bit the part of his neck that marked him as Infinity's.

"I love you so much" Infinity mumbled.


"Don't speak little Steve, go to sleep" As the taller said, Rainbow fell asleep in his arms.

"So precious and adorable"


Infinity was sitting under the Rainbow Tree of Life with Rainbow sleeping on his lap when he felt his two counter parts near them. Looking up, the mix Steve seen Positive carrying Lucas bridal style while Negative held Sabre as a child.

"I see everything turned out nicely for you two" Infinity whispered not wanting to wake any of the three up.

"It sure did" Positive smiled and kissed the blonde's head.

"I'm glad they accepted us" Negative smiled softly, running a hand through the soft brunette hair.

"They're ours now" Infinity commented lightly tracing the mark he made on the smaller's neck, "All ours"


Word count: 960

Requests remaining: 13     

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