(12) Red and Yellow Part 2

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Requested by Ender_Eclipse

'You Decide Book 2' is back open for requests. I'm closing this one soon since we are about to hit 100 chapters. I have all the requests written down so do not fret if you requested already, they will be published in Book 2. 

I'm putting the cap on these books when they reach 100 (they still can go up when another part is requested). 


Red and Yellow were walking through the Nightmare Dimension to Night- I mean Yellow's castle. Occasionally, Red would glance at his friend to see if he was alright mentally wise after everything that happened over the years. No matter how much he wanted to be mad at Yellow, Red couldn't find it in him to do so, after all, Yellow was trying to help but got corrupted in the end. As for Yellow, he was worried about how Red felt about him; he just want them to go back to the way they were, but that was impossible after everything he had done. The two soon arrived a castle that gave off a haunting and lonely feeling.   

Red was about to speak up when someone called out Yellow's former name,


The two turned to see a Steve running to them with a smile a bright smile on their face. Yellow instantly knew who the Steve was and did not to face him like this; not now, not ever. As the Steve approach, Red felt a surge of protectiveness to protect his old friend so he pushed Yellow behind him.

Dark stop a few feet away from the two and asked confused, "Nightmare?"

"Dark" Yellow said sadly. He knows that the Steve he known for years was extremely confused and scared at the same time.

"Who are you?" Red asked missing the depressed tone in Yellow's voice.

Dark look between the two Steves not knowing what to do in this situation. He could feel the Nightmare King's aura from the two Steves, but it felt as though it was disappearing and being replaced. This scared him so much as his father figure's presence was disappearing and he couldn't do anything. 

Yellow seen the fear in Dark's eyes and his instinct to comfort the Steve he knew since he was a child come over. The Yellow Steve got out behind Red, went over to Dark and hugged him.

"It's okay Dark, it's okay" Yellow said petting Dark's hair.

"Y-You're-" Dark shook, gripping onto Yellow's shirt.

"I am and I'm so sorry Dark for leaving you" Yellow said. 

Glancing over to Red, Yellow decided to introduce the two Steves who helped him the most; he hopes it can ease Dark a bit.

"Dark, there's someone I would like you to meet" Yellow said loud enough for Red to hear.

Dark faced Red, but did not lossen his grip on Yellow. The way Dark was acting reminded Red of a young child.

"Red, this is Dark. He's a Steve that I meant as the Nightmare King when he was very young. Dark, this is Red, he's, he's the first Steve I absorb to become Nightmare" Yellow flinch at the last part, being Nightmare was a nightmare itself.

"Uh, hey there, umm, Dark" Red said offering a smile. Red figured out that Dark must be important to Yellow when he was Nightmare.

"So, Nightmare is gone?" Dark asked.

"Yep, Nightmare is good as gone" Red smiled but frowned when Yellow gave him a look, "What?"

Before Yellow could say anything, Dark backed away with his head down and that's when Red realized his mistake.

"Wait I didn't/Dark, Red didn't mean-" Red and Yellow said at the same time but were cut off by Dark.

"It's okay" Dark signed, "I'll guide you back to the castle"

Red and Yellow followed Dark both feeling guilty and sad at the same time.

"Yellow, what did I do?" Red asked.

"I - well Nightmare - was Dark's father figure. I-Nightmare cared for him more than anyone after him and his brother were separated." Yellow explained.

"And I just hurt him very bad didn't I?" Red asked knowing that answer already.

"Yes, but I could have told him the truth or told him what I was doing" Yellow signed, "If I did then everything would have been easier."

"Don't blame yourself Yellow"


"Listen to him" 

The older Steves look at Dark who gave them a small smile, "I don't blame you for what you done or anything. I'm just going to miss Nightmare, he was the only one I could count on besides my brother"

"Dark..." Yellow walk over to the Steve and hugged him, "I'm sorry, I know how much he meant to you"

The then felt another set of arms wrap around them and seen it was Red.

"I'm sorry Dark, I didn't know how much Nightmare meant to you and what I said was wrong." Red said guilty.

"I don't blame you, not many liked him so I know why. Plus you got your friend back from the darkness"

"Still doesn't make what I said right and don't you tell me otherwise" Red said sternly.

"Dark, remember what I asked you as Nightmare?" Yellow asked pulling away to see Dark's face.

"I do, but I know that you don't want it anymore, you go your friend back and you're no longer Nightmare" Dark said sadly.

"Actually I do"

"What are you talking about?"

"Red, do you remember what I always wanted before my wife passed and I became Nightmare?"

It took Red a minute to understand what his friend meant, but it all clicked causing him to smile.

"I do, and you promise me to be a godfather slash uncle." Red answered.

"Wait, you still want..."

"Yes Dark, do you want to be my official son?"

Tears streamed down Dark's face as he pulled Yellow into a hug as he repeatedly said 'thank you' over and over again. Red smiled at the beautiful moment and pulled his best friend and his new godson slash nephew into a hug. This was what he wanted: his best friend to be happy after going threw so much grief after the lost of his wife.

"Thank you"

"No, thank you Dark. If it wasn't for you, I would still be living in a nightmare"

"I have to say thank you as well Dark, you were the one who brought my brother back"

"I love you both"

"Love you too Dark"

"Love you too kid"


Word count 1060

Requests remaining: 11 

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