(32) BlueBow

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Blue Steve x Rainbow Steve (Steve Saga Origins)

I was wondering when someone would request this to be honest. Happy Easter everyone.

Requested by GalaxyChan6


"Is anyone there?"

"Rainbow? Are you there?"

"Rainbow where are you!?"

"Someone help me please!"


"Rainbow! Help me please"

"Rainbow....I thought you loved me"


"Rainbow wake up. Wake up!" Rainbow shot up from his bed sweating and panting for air.

"I-It was just a nightmare" Rainbow breathed.

"Rainbow, are you alright?" Rainbow look up to see a worried expression on Blue's face.

"B-Blue, y-you're okay" Rainbow shook. 

"I'm fine, what about you? You were screaming my name several times and wouldn't wake up no matter how hard I tried." Blue explained. He's been calling for Rainbow to wake up for almost 10 minutes.

Rainbow didn't listen to what Blue said as he was to focus seeing Blue right in front of him, alive.

"Are you even-" Blue stopped when was pulled into Rainbow's chest.

"Y-you're alive, you're alive" Rainbow repeated over and over again. He held Blue close to him as if he let go, his best friend, his crush, would disappear.

"Rainbow?" Blue look up, but was push back into Rainbow's chest, "Please Rainbow, tell me what's wrong. I worried."

"Please don't go" Rainbow muttered.

"Why would I go?" Blue pulled away and this time Rainbow let him. When Blue got to get a good look at Rainbow's face, he notice that he was in a shock state. 

Rainbow started to panic as his breath picked up and started to shake and muttered words:

"Don't go"

"Please don't go"


Were what he repeated. Blue couldn't do much since Rainbow held him in a death grip.

"Rainbow!' Blue finally shouted. Rainbow stop talking and look down to see a scared Blue, "Y-You're scaring me Rainbow"

"I'm sorry, I'm so so sorry" Rainbow muttered.

"What's wrong? You can tell me" 

It took a bit before Rainbow respond since he was trying to calm himself, "I-I had a nightmare that you were alone calling out for me. You called for help over and over again and I wasn't there to save you. T-the next thing I knew was that I was in front of you and, and you were"

Rainbow started to sob, but Blue knew what he meant, "I'm not going anywhere any time soon"


Blue giggled and nodded. A huge weight was lifted off of Rainbow's shoulders, but he still fear that Blue would be taken from him.

"Blue, I have a confession to make" 

Blue tilted his head in confusion. Rainbow turn Blue in his lap so they were looking eye to eye.

"My dream, it made me realize I need to tell you how I feel about you. Blue I love you. I loved you not to long after we met. You were always there for me and stuck by my side since then; you stuck by my side even after learning the danger of being with me."

Rainbow used one of his hands to cup Blue's cheek, "I want to protect you like you did for me. I want to be there for you like you were for me. I want to make you smile like you do for me. Blue, I may be the Steves beacon of hope, but your the reason I'm still going. You're my hope."

Blue was speechless at Rainbow's words.

"Blue, I want you to be by my side forever." Rainbow ran his hand that cup Blue's cheek up and down his neck, "Will you let me do that?"

Blue grab Rainbow's hand on his neck and squeezed it, giving Rainbow his answer. Rainbow leaned in and started to nibble on Blue's neck get him to squirm in Rainbow's lap. Eventually, there was one spot that Rainbow found that made Blue jump and started to bit that spot. 

"This will hurt a bit" Rainbow muttered. He wanted Blue to be with him forever, he's his reason to keep on going and fight the evilness.

Rainbow bit Blue's neck hard. Blue tried to muffle his screams that turned into moans.

"I love you Blue" Rainbow lick the mark he made.

"I...love...you too...Rainbow" Blue breathed as he started to fall asleep in Rainbow's arms who held him close.     


Word Count: 718

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