(11) Red and Yellow

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Caring Red Steve and Sad Yellow Steve: Friends Till the End

First time in first point of view in a while.............never again


Yellow POV

I watch as my former enemies go through the portal, hopefully they get back to their world safely. Letting out a sign as I close the portal for  probably the last time and went back to where the machine was that I used to separate Red and I. Red will probably, no he will, hate me forever; I could never be forgiven for what I have done.  

Every Steve will never forgive me, but there is one who will give me the time of day. When I reach the machine, I saw that the tube holding Red was broken.

"I guess he regained his strength and left" I signed. Tears rolled my face knowing that I truly messed up for good. That's when I finally broke; I could not hold it any more.

I screamed, cried, and even started to break the machine that freed my old friend.   



I watch as he broke down; I know I should hate him for everything he has done, but no one listen to him. Yellow tried to warn everyone of a coming darkness, but everyone ignored him leading him to be consumed in the darkness he tried to save everyone from.

Not standing to watch my former friend brake down, I came out of hiding and went to confront him.

"A-are you okay" I asked. Yellow look at me scared.

"Y-you..I thought you were gone" 

"No, I was here the whole time"

"Then why are you here! To destroy me!? Fine go on ahead! I don't care anymore! Every Steve in the world will forever hate me and the only one who will give me the time of day is a human who can't come close to me because of his friends! You should hate me Red! Hate me for everything I have done to you! I should be in the Nether for everything I have done! I-"

I couldn't take it anymore, "Yellow!"

He look at me with his teary bright yellow eyes that had not dimed at all through the darkness. I could feel his sorrow raiding off of him; he done bad most of his life, but he was used by Elemental.

"I don't hate you Yellow" I said softly. For every step forward, he would take a step back as though if I got close he would hurt me.


I can't take it anymore 3rd POV

Yellow was scared, his best friend - well was his best friend - was walking towards him; he was scared, he feared that he would hurt Red once again. The Yellow Steve was not watching were he was going until it was too late.

Yellow took one step back when he stared to fall of the mountain.

Red reached out to grab him.

Yellow screamed as he fell.

Red kept his promise.

Yellow look up to see Red holding his hand, preventing him from falling any further. His eyes were widen and he felt as though he couldn't breath.

"I got you Yellow" Red pulled Yellow up. He was glad that he grab Yellow just in time, but that happiness faded when he saw the look on Yellow's face, "What's wrong Yellow?"


"Why what?" Yellow look at him with teary eyes.

"Why did you save me?" Red had a feeling that Yellow would ask this, he is going down a destructive path, more destructive than when he was Nightmare. Knowing just words would not help, Red pulled his friend into a hug.

"Because" Red pulled back and gave Yellow a soft smile, "I, no we, promise to never let go"

Yellow hug Red back and held him as though he would lose him again, the dark thoughts within his head disappeared and the weight on his shoulders disappeared. Even after everything, Red still remember their promise.

'If I fall will you catch me?'

'I won't ever let you fall'


'Best friends forever!'

'Best friends forever!'     


Word Count: 687

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