ShadowDark Part 2

479 8 5

Requested by Ender_Eclipse and TheDiamondLu


Tears feel from Dark's eyes as he ran through the halls of the Nightmare Castle, he didn't know where he was going but he doesn't care. The servants moved out of the way of the Dark Prince, those who notice that he was crying were worried since he never seemed to cry, at least not in the open. Eventually Dark ran into someone, knocking himself onto the ground.

"Watch where your go-Dark? What's wrong?" Nightmare kneeled to get a better look at the younger Steve. When he saw Dark crying, Nightmare felt like killing someone; no one hurts his prince.

"N-Nigh-" Dark chocked out.

Nightmare brought Dark in a hug and, for Dark's sake, he softly said, "What happened?"

Dark shook his head in Nightmare's chest, there's too many people staring at him, judging him. Nightmare understood why Dark was afraid to talk so he picked up Dark who wrap his legs around him like a child and carried him to his room.

"Carry on with your duties" Nightmare said to the works with out looking at them. Several did as their king said, some stayed worrying about the young Dark Prince.


Nightmare sat down on his bed with Dark still holding onto him.

"Dark, tell me what's wrong?" Nightmare said worried. Dark is like a little brother to him so whatever hurts the younger has an effect on the older.

"I-I told Shadow I like him, now he hates me" Dark sobbed, "But I still like him and I don't know what to do"

"Do you want me to get rid of Shadow?" Shadow was a great fighter, but Dark means more to him.

"No, he didn't do anything" Dark signed, "It's my fault, he shouldn't be punished."

Nightmare nodded, "Do you want to be alone for a bit?"

"Yes please" 

Nightmare kissed the top of Dark's head before he left the room on the hunt for a certain Steve.


Shadow was walking to his room when he heard his name called out in a powerful voice, freezing him where he stands.

"Shadow Steve!" Nightmare yelled.

The servants ran away from their king's deadly aura.

"Y-Yes my king?" Shadow said nervously.

"Do you hate Dark?" Nightmare said bluntly.


"Answer the question!"

"No I don't hate Dark, I can't ever hate him" Shadow answered honestly.

"Then you need to tell him that" 

"I don't understand-"

"Just be glad he cares for you or else you would be dead right now" Nightmare growled.

"Please, Nightmare, tell me what's wrong with Dark?" Shadow begged. 

Nightmare signed, "I found him crying in front of some servants" *sends Shadow a death glare* you hurt him badly and if you don't fix it then you will suffer something worse than death"

Shadow nodded his frankly, "I will, where is he?" 

"He's in my room"

Shadow nodded his head and ran off to fix his friend.


Shadow opened the door of the Nightmare King's room and in the darkness he could make out a figure curled on the farthest side of the bed. When he turned the lights that made the room a bit lighter, it was a stab to Shadow's heart. It was obvious that Dark had cried himself to sleep seeing there was dried tear stains on his cheeks. Shadow climbed in the bed, being as quiet as he could be, and pulled Dark close to him.

"Dark, I'm so sorry" Shadow whispered. He knows that Dark was awake, after being friends for a while, he knows when Dark was barely awake.

"It's okay" Dark mumbled sadly, "I shouldn't have said anything"

"No Dark, it's not okay. I didn't mean to make you think that I hate you. You just caught me off guard and I was too shock to say anything"

"Still, I shouldn't have said or did anything. Should have kept it to myself"

Shadow tighten his grip on Dark, "Don't do that"

"Do what?" Dark asked confused.

"Don't kept things to yourself, its not healthy at all. The last time you did that, you worried everyone and I mean everyone. I understand you want to be the strong type, but you have to lower your walls from time to time."

"But if I hated done anything then you wouldn't hate me"

Shadow let out a groan, "How many times do I have to tell you before you get it? I don't hate  you Dark! You're the best thing that ever happened to me! If anything, I'm happy that you did that!"

"Why were you happy?" Dark finally looked up at Shadow.

Shadow knows that there no turning back, "Dark, I-I like you, not just as a friend"

Dark's eyes widen as a blush appeared on his face, "Y-You do?"

"I do, that's why I can never hate you, that's why I care for you so much, that's why I asked Nightmare to be the Dark Prince's guard because I wanted to be close to you" Shadow all at once admitted.

"Shadow" Dark said softly, "is that true?"

"I wouldn't have said it if it wasn't true. I wanted to be there for you"

"You went through all that training just for me?"

"Of course, you're my prince and I would do anything for you" Shadow said staring deep into Dark's eyes. 



"Would you hold me?"

"As much as you want"

"Would you stay by my side?"

"For as long as you wish"

"Would you love me?"

"Till death do us part"

Dark smiled and pulled Shadow by his shirt and started to kiss him softly which Shadow returned quickly.

"I love you Shadow" Dark said pulling away.

"I love you too my Dark Prince"


Word count: 951

Requests remaining: 12 

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