(10) NightBow

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Nightmare Steve x Rainbow Steve

Requested by Maggiebutton


After Nightmare did a number to the Rainbow Town, Rainbow went on a walk around the outside of the Rainbow Wall to clear his head. He could not stand looking at his now ruin home. Sabre and Lucas did their best to patch up the town before logging off for the day knowing that their friend needed some space.

Before Rainbow knew it, the sun started to set and decided to head back home. He was rounding a corner when he saw a flash of yellow go by him out of the corner of his eye. Rainbow turned towards the forest where he saw it and was about to investigate when he heard a wolf's howl, snapping out of his confused state. The colorful Steve went back on his way, not noticing a pair of piercing red eyes that watched every movement of the younger one.

Rainbow was nearing the entrance to the town when he had an erring feeling that he was being watched, but when he look around there was nothing. Well that was until he saw Nightmare standing in front of the forest with an evil grin. For every step Nightmare took forward towards Rainbow was one step Rainbow took backwards until his back hit the wall. Rainbow was about to run, but before he knew it Nightmare was right in front of him and out his hands on both sides of Rainbow's head trapping him.

"Hello Rainbow" Nightmare said in a light tone, enjoying the fear in the young Steve's eyes.

"N-Nightmare" Events from earlier flash through Rainbow's though he was scared, anger rushed through his veins and fought against Nightmare, "You ruined my home"

Rainbow through his fists at Nightmare which did very like to the older Steve. Nightmare grinned at the other's action, but he decided to take what he come for. The corrupted Yellow Steve grabbed both of Rainbow's wrist and put them above his head, using one hand to hold them to the wall.

"You know, you can be quite cute when you try to fight a losing fight" Nightmare chuckled. Rainbow ignored Nightmare's words and continue to struggle.

"Let me go!" Nightmare made it look like he was thinking before answering.

"I don't think so Rainbow.  I came here to get something and I'm not leaving without it" 

"Take whatever you want! Just let me go!"

"Are you sure?"

"Yes" Nightmare leaned closer to Rainbow's face to the point Rainbow could feel the other's soft breath.

"Remember Rainbow, 'take whatever you want' you said" Before Rainbow could comprehend what Nightmare said, he felt a pair of lips on his and his brain went flat line. Moments later Nightmare pulled away and ran his tongue around his lips where Rainbow's were just before. As for Rainbow, he was in a daze of confusion.

"You know Rainbow, you taste sweet as you look" Nightmare purred. He hook his arm, not holding his wrist together, around Rainbow's waist and pulled him closer to him.

"Might I say, you look adorable in this state" Rainbow did not response to any of Nightmare's gesture, not even when Nightmare let go of his hands. What did cause Rainbow to finally realize what was happening when Nightmare caressed his face. 

"L-let me g-go" Rainbow finally said.

"I was planning to, but the way you look right now, I don't think I will let go any time soon" Nightmare chuckled softly.

"W-why me? Why now?"

"I had my eye on you for a while, even before you met that human Sabre." Nightmare played with Rainbow's red hair, "Originally I thought you and him were together, but when I found out that he was the same way with everyone else, I decide to take what I wanted so I won't make the same mistake" 

With that Nightmare went back onto Rainbow's lips. Rainbow fought back for a bit before he gave in, personally he secretly enjoyed this feeling. Though it was not a secret to Nightmare when he felt Rainbow put his arms around his neck and slowly kissed.


Word Count:  690

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