(6) Brothers

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(Shark's clothes are based off his skin in Maze Runner, Moose is something I made and Sabre's is his clothes before his chicken suit which will be his night clothes) I don't know why I just wrote this one day and put it here


The sound of his alarm clock woke 15 year old Shark up from his adventurous dream. After turning off his clock, he groggily got up and got dress. He changed out of his shark onesie into a grey shirt, brown pants and put on a pair of black gloves. He put his signature sunglasses on his shirt because his mom said no wearing sunglasses in the house. Speaking of mom, she said that she had a surprise for him and his brother this morning after telling them last night about it.

He finished combing his hair before he went to his older brother's room; he could hear the snoring outside of the door. Shark opened the door to see his 17 year old brother Moose spiral out over his bed.  

"Come on Moose, you have to get up." Shark shook Moose and only got a groan about Moose Milk, "Come on man, mom said she had a surprise for us in the kitchen."

Again Moose just groaned. Shark signed knowing he had to do Plan B. He got up on Moose's bed with an evil smile on his face.

"You asked for this dude. And his name is," this got Moose to open his eyes as he tried to get off his bed before his younger brother could-, "John Sean!"

Shark flopped onto Moose who let out a gasp for air.

"Are you up bro?" Moose just whimper, "I'll take that as a yes. Get dress and then we can go downstairs to see what mom wants to shows us"

Moose replied by getting up and going to his closet signaling for Shark to get out to give Moose his privacy. Moose changed out of his moose onesie into a brown shirt that had "Moose Milk" on it and a pair of black pants. After styling his hair, he went out to see his brother waiting for him in the hallway.

"Hey Shark"

"I was being to think that you would stay in the bathroom all morning to do your hair" Shark joked. Moose walk up to Shark and all at once started to give him a noogy , "Stop Moose"

"Not until you say my hair is the most stylish hair ever" Moose grinned.

(I don't watch Moosecraft as much, but his hair is floofy and nice) 

"Fine fine, your hair is the most stylish hair ever" Shark said laughing. Moose let go of him and some what fixed his brothre's messed up hair.

"Come on dude, mom said she wanted us down for a surprise" with that Moose ran downstairs with Shark tailing behind him.

Moose reached the kitchen before Shark, but instantly stopped when he saw a kid Shark's age sitting at their table. He then felt someone bump behind him, knowing it was Shark, he pointed to the stranger in their home. 

Shark look over his brother's shoulder to see a kid, a nervous one since he was fiddling with his hands, around his age sitting at their table. 

The boy felt someone watching him so he look around until his eyes landed on the two brothers who live in the house. He bit his lip out of nervousness as he continued to play with his hands; since he was little he has to something to keep his hands busy.

When the kid turned to look at Shark and Moose, they could not help to stare at the bandanna that covered his eyes. 

'Do you think he's blind?' Moose asked.

'Dude, he literally look in our direction before looking away; I don't think he's blind' Shark responded.

The three were silent for a bit before Moose and Shark's mom, Cali, entered the kitchen. There was a big smile on her face seeing her boys saw their surprise, "Boys, this is Sabre your new brother"

"What!" The brothers yelled.

"Yes, his room will be next to yours Shark"

'So that's the reason that room was lock and mom made us move our stuff' Shark thought.

"Now, I want you boys to help him get use to things around here" With that their mom left to give her sons some time to spend with their new brother.

Moments passed until Shark spoke.

"So umm, your Sabre? Our new bother?" Shark said, breaking the tension. The boy, Sabre, said nothing as he look down to his lap.

"Hey! My bro just asked you a question" Moose growled. Just who is this kid?

Shark walk over to his new brother and put a hand on his shoulder, he noticed that Sabre flinched, but chose to ignore it, "My name is Shark and that's my, well our, older brother Moose. That's if your not older than 17"

It took Sabre a moment before he answered, "I'm 15"

"Cool! Hey would you like some breakfast? We have cereal, waffles, pop-tarts-"

"I, um, already ate"


"Yeah, Mrs. Crater, made sure I ate before I got here"

"Who's Mrs. Crater?"

"She's the person assigned to look after me until I was brought here" Shark made an 'oh' sound before he went to get breakfast for him and Moose. Moose on the hand continue to observe his new brother.

"Why do you have the bandanna over your eyes?"

"Because they told me to"  


"My parents"

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