(35) Dare #1

667 13 14

Echo: *reads comment and squeals* "Finally someone who did a truth/dare!" *bounces up and down*

Sabre walks to the room Echo was in: "E, you okay? Do I have to get you a pillow again?" 

Echo gives Sabre the piece of paper:


RainbowkittyRS I dare Rainbow steve,Sabre,Light steve,Nightmare bee and Dark steve to eat Sandwiches with Galaxy Steve looking at them eating da sandwiches


(I think 'bee' was suppose to be 'Steve' correct me if I'm wrong)

Sabre looks at Echo: "Are you sure about this? I mean-"

Echo: "It's a dare! The first one! Do it!"

Sabre: "Fine"

Echo smiles and gives Sabre a plate of sandwiches from who knows where which he took downstairs where the dared Steves were magically were.

Sabre: "Hey guys you want a sandwich?"

Light: "What's a 'sandwich'?

Dark: "Is it a witch in the sand?"

Rainbow: "No, it's food. Galaxy said something about it when we first meet him"

Nightmare: "Never seen anything like it"

Sabre: *Gives everyone a sandwich including himself* "Go on ahead, they're really good"

The Steves started to eat the sandwiches.

Nightmare: "These are delicious" *Everyone hums in agreement* 

Sabre: Sure

Galaxy then walks through the door where he sees Sabre, Rainbow, Nightmare, Dark and Light eating sandwiches and watches them in horror.

Galaxy: "Wh-Where did you all get those sandwiches?" *starts to twitch a bit*

Light: "Oh, Sabre brought them" *finishes his sandwich* "Speaking of that, Sabre can I have another?"

Sabre: "Sure" *sees the plate empty* "Oh we're out"

Dark: *notices the expression of Galaxy's face* "Uh Galaxy?"

Galaxy: *staring at the sandwich in Rainbow's hand* "Give me that sandwich!" *Pounces on Rainbow attempting to get the food*

Rainbow: "Hey get off me!"

Galaxy: *Holds the sandwich* "It's mine!"

Rainbow: *Snatches it back and eats it* "No it's mine"

Galaxy watches in horror as the last sandwich was eaten and fell to the ground.

Galaxy: "What is life!"


Word count: 319

Requests remaining: 1

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