(37) VoidGalaxy

857 7 5

Void Steve x Galaxy Steve

Requested by VanaTheDevilishAngel


Void and Galaxy were walking together to Galaxy's house after a full day of helping some Steves rebuild their homes. After the two Steves made peace with one another months ago, they have become best friends; however, recently Void had notice that Galaxy has not been himself. At first Void thought it was because of stress or being tired or something that would go away the next day, but Galaxy became worst and worst. Void does not know when he first noticed Galaxy's strange behavior, but hearing him rejecting a sandwich that Sabre brought him was the red light for Void. 

Since that day, Void noticed that Galaxy has become less childlike, less clumsy, less Galaxy. Void doesn't know if anyone noticed, he knows very well that Sabre noticed - probably sooner that he did - but... Void glanced at Galaxy when he let out a sign.

"You okay Gal?" Void ask in concern. 

"I'm fine" Galaxy mumbled not looking at Void.

This was another thing that Void noticed about Galaxy was that he no longer made eye contact with him or barely anyone else. The thing about Galaxy was that always told Void what was on his mind or had some slip ups of some sort, but not once has that happened. 

Soon enough arrived at Galaxy's home, something that Void wished that took longer for them to get there.

"Thanks for walking me home" Galaxy mumbled as he walk to his house, but he stopped when Void grabbed his wrist.

"Gal, what's wrong? You haven't been acting yourself lately and that's really worrying me. Please Gal, tell me" Void pleaded.

For a brief moment, Galaxy looked into Void's eyes and Void saw that they were filled with sadness and emptiness.

Galaxy stayed silent, before letting out a sign in defeat and told Void to come inside. Once Void entered Galaxy's home, his worrying only increased seeing the state the house was in.


"I'll make some tea" Galaxy mumbled and entered the kitchen.

"Gal what happened" Void asked very concerned for his friend, "Come on, I'm your best friend, tell me what's wrong"

"That word" Galaxy said. Void could barely here the disgust in his voice.

"I hate that word" Galaxy grip the cup in his hand hard enough that is soon shatter.

Void quickly cleaned up the mess not wanting Galaxy to hurt himself anymore. Once Void finish, he turn his attention to Galaxy who was glaring at the ground.

"Gal, what did you mean? What was the word you hate?" Void hope it wasn't the word he was thinking.

"Friend" Galaxy spat out.

'Friend' the one word that Void had wish did not come out of Galaxy's mouth. Void's face was filled with pain.

"I'm sorry, I thought, I'll just leave" Void said sadly and started to walk away. Though he didn't get far when Galaxy grab his wrist.

"I'm sorry Void, I didn't mean it like that" Galaxy spoke with more emotion than he had all week.

"Then what did you mean?" Void turn to look at Galaxy who had tears in his eyes, "Gal?"

Quickly Void went to wipe the tears, "Don't cry Gal, please don't cry"

"I'm so sorry Void, I so sorry for the way I treated you these past few days." Galaxy sobbed.

"Then why?"

"Y-You promise not to h-hate me" Galaxy whimpered.

"I could never hate you Gal, I care for you too much to do so." Void said trying to ease Galaxy.

"I-I like you" Galaxy confessed.

"Y-You what" Void look at Galaxy in disbelief.

"I like you Void, I had feelings for you for a while now" Galaxy confessed.

"I-I don't know what to say" Void said mostly to himself, but Galaxy heard him.


"Yes Gal- mph!"

Galaxy connected his lips to Void who was surprised at the Steve's sudden actions. Soon Void melted into the kiss and wrap his hands around Galaxy's waist as Galaxy wrap his arms around Void neck. Soon they pulled away panting.

"I wanted to do that for so long" Galaxy panted.

"That felt amazing" Void breathed.

Galaxy smiled at those words, he was happy that Void had the same feelings as his.

"There's that smile I missed so much" Void smiled and held Galaxy close, "Gal, please tell me if something is wrong. I don't think I can stand seeing a frown on your face any more"

"I promise Void and I'm sorry for putting you through that. I was afraid that you would reject and hate me" 

"I would never hate you, as I said I care too much to do so. Also, I wouldn't have rejected you, in fact I like you for a while now." Void confessed.

Galaxy smile got bigger and brought Void into another kiss that the other immanently accepted. Since that day, Galaxy no longer had a frown on his face instead he went back to his normal happy self which couldn't make Void be anymore happy. 


Word count: 846

Requests remaining: 5

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