Muscular x Reader : playtime

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Your quirk : Object Change

Whatever you touch you can change it into a completely different object. For example , if you wanted a lamp but only had a book , you are able to turn the book into the lamp.


Walking home in the dark was not a fun time , even for villains like yourself. You walked by a couple shady alleyways , some men in them giving you cat calls and whistles. You rolled your eyes and kept walking , the men chuckled. Despite how much they wanted to ravage you , They knew you were dangerous.

You were quite the famous villain , so other thugs knew to keep their distance.

After passing by one alleyway , someone dragged you into it , throwing you on your stomach on the concrete. You groaned slightly , feeling some blood trickle down your face.

You heard a man chuckle , making you turn your head to look at him. " look at you , bleeding already. I think you'll be fun to play with." The man gave a bloodlust grin. You scoffed , flipping on to your back. You were to lazy to get up , despite this guy wanting to kill you.

The man walked closer to you , the small light from the alley shined on his face. You recognized him immediately , freaking' Muscular. You heard about him a couple of times , but his face was basically carved into your brain.

You sighed already bored , as you got up to at least try to defend yourself against this guy. " hold on give me one second." You lifted a finger , as walked towards some trash someone left behind.

He still kept his grin , but raised an eyebrow at you. You stood in front of a box , touching it turning it into a shield. You thought it would be useful enough.

You walked back to where you were before. " ok , go ahead." You said , holding up the shield lazily. Muscular buffed himself up , as he charged towards you. You quickly dodged , hitting his back with your shield.

You smirked slightly seeing that you actually hit him. But that smirk went away , after hearing muscular' s laugh. " dang you're pathetic , and here i thought you were actually going to put up a fight." He turned around to face you.

You gasped quietly seeing him lift his arm to hit you. On instinct , you lifted up the shield. Instead of hitting the shield , muscular grabbed it throwing it to the side.

You watched the sheild hit the wall. " well crap." You said outloud , making muscular smirk a bit. " You wanna give up , so your death can be quick?" He gave a open mouth grin , buffing up more.

You looked back at him with a sigh. " nah , I'm still gonna play." You gave a grin matching his own.

Well that was a mistake to say. After not even two minutes of fighting , muscular had you pinned to the wall. His knee in between your legs making you sit on it , while your hands are pinned above your head , held with only one of his hands.

Muscular only chuckled at this display. He wrapped his other hand around your neck cutting off your breathing. He narrowed his eye , watching some blood escape your mouth. Muscular loosened his grip on your neck , giving you air again. You panted slightly , raising an eyebrow at him.

" i thought you wanted to kill me?" You asked slightly confused , you weren't complaining obviously , but his unusual behaviour made you kinda concerned for him. " i thought i did , but now i don't want to." He let go of your hands , making them fall on his shoulders.

He leaned closer to you , making you blush slightly. His lips connected with yours , kissing you hungrily. He licked your lips , tasting your blood in the process. You pushed on his chest breaking the kiss. He growled annoyed that you broke it.

" as romantic as this is , i think you should take me on a date first." You giggled , still blushing like a mess.


I hope you enjoyed this.

I have written this one shot before , it was in a anime one shot book , but i just wanted to write my hero academia , so I deleted that book and just rewrote the one shot. So if any one read that one then this one , i did not copy it was my own work.

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