Inasa Yoarashi x Reader : Floofy Hugs

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Yo , Season 4 starts in two days...

For this one-shot you and inasa are already in a relationship.
I hope you enjoy. ^-^

Inasa let out a pent up sigh , Closing the door to your shared home. He had a difficult time with a villain today , So he was a bit tired after a long day.

" INASAA!!!" You shouted , Running full speed at him , Jumping into his arms. Luckily he caught you , But it was a close call.

" I saw your fight on TV , You were amazing!" You smiled brightly , Cupping his cheeks in your hands. Inasa gave you a smile in return. " I guess it was a pretty passionate fight. But still , That villain was a toughie!"

You laughed , Burying your face in his scarf. " This thing is soft..." You muttered , Bringing your hands up to run your hands through it as well.

Inasa let out a chuckle of his own , Tightening his grip around you.

You two continued to stay like this for awhile. This was definitely the thing Inasa needed after his long day.

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