Tsundere!Seiji Shishikura x Reader : Idiot!!!

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Yeet Yeet It meatball man.
I hope you enjoy. UWU

I apologize if it ended strangely.

" Yo! Shishikura!" Inasa shouted , Running up to shishikura with you in tow. " No running in the school hallways inasa , You know this." Shishikura squinted his handsome eyes at the two of you.

" Ah! I am very sorry shishikura!" Inasa apologized dramatically , Like always. He quickly stood up straight again. " (Y/n) here , Just wanted to know if you wanted to hangout with us at the mall after school?"

Shishikura blushed lightly , Looking at you for a brief moment before looking back at inasa. " Fine , I'll go. But only because I need to get bug spray!" He quickly added. You smiled brightly , Making shishikura pout , Now Looking away from the both of you.

-Time skip to mall cause I'm slightly lazy-

" Altighty! I have to use the restroom!" " Inasa we just got here-" Before shishikura could finish his small complaint , Inasa bolted off to find the restroom. Leaving you and shishikura alone.

Shishikura looked down at you , You Looking up at him as well. He quickly looked away from you. " Shishikura , Do you dislike me or something?" You asked , Frowning faintly. " You've been avoiding me for a few weeks now , Did I do something wrong?"

" What! No! I don't..Dislike you! But don't even think about me loving you or anything! Idiot.." Shsishikura crossed his arms , Puffing his cheeks.

You started to laugh , A blush of your own appearing on your cheeks. Before shishikura could tell at you some more , You placed a kiss on his nose. " You really are a tsundere shishikura." " I am not idiot!!!"

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