Chizome Akguro x Reader : Exciting News / Part two

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A lot of people have requested for a part two , So here it is!
I hope you enjoy. ^-^

WARNING : Mention of losing a child

I apologize if it ended on a weird note.

When Chizome arrived at the hospital , It was only a few minutes after you've arrived. He immediately walked to the front desk , Asking if he could see you. The staff typed something on their computer , Then telling him that you just got into surgery.

Chizome mumbled a quick 'Ok' before walking to the waiting to room to sit.

Chizome just stared at the wall ahead of him. He blamed himself for this happening to you , If he only stayed with you for a few more minutes , If only he didn't have to go into the next town , If only he wasn't a villain. This never would have happened to you.

When the doctor walked over to him , Chizome perked up slightly. Before the doctor could even speak , Chizome asked if you were ok. The doctor replied with a simple yes , Gesturing for chizome to walk with him.

While the two men were walking , The doctor started to explain your condition. " She had a rather deep stab wound to her stomach , Luckily we were able to stitch it up and save her life , But we couldn't save the baby. I'm terribly sorry."

Chizome's mind blanked as soon as the doctor said the word baby.

Was that the exciting news you wanted to tell him? How long had you known? Why didn't you tell him sooner?

When the doctor and chizome arrived at your room , The doctor let chizome in first. " I'll leave you two alone for now. You probably have a lot to discuss."

With that the doctor closed the door , Leaving chizome with you. Chizome let out a sigh , Looking over to you on the bed , Staring at the window. Your eyes trailed over to him when you hear his the sound of his footsteps get closer.

Tears immediately started to swell up when he had reached you. Chizome sat down on the bed with you , Letting you rest your head on him as you sobbed against him. Chizome wrapped his arms around you , Placing his head ontop of yours.

" It's going to be alright (y/n)." Chizome spoke quietly , Running his his fingers through your hair.
" Just...Focus on my heartbeat. It always calms you down." Chizome carefully laid down on the bed with you still on his chest.

After a little while you had calmed down , Still a few tears here and there but calm nonetheless. " So...Was that..The surprise?" Chizome questioned , His hand carefully pressed against your stomach.

You just just slowly nodded as more tears streamed down your cheeks. Chizome let out a deep sigh , Placing a kiss to the top of your head.

" Ok...It's going to be ok." Chizome muttered once again , Placing a few more kisses to your head.

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