Jin Bubaigawara x Reader : Cuddles

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Twice was requested by @i_hAVe_kNifE_HaNDs
For this one-shot you and twice are already in a relationship.
I hope you enjoy. ^-^

" Hey Jin , I'm home." You called , Closing your apartment door. " Yo (Y/n)! Bye-bye , Have a nice life!" Jin waved at you. Jin was sitting on the couch , Watching a movie. Which would've been fine , if snacks weren't spilled everywhere.

But , You couldn't stay mad. You were too tired from work today.

You let out a long sign , Placing your stuff down before falling onto Jin on the couch. " Woah there! You ok?" Jin asked , Wrapping his arms around you. " Yeah , Just a bad day at work."

Jin nodded , Rubbing your back. " Well I'm here if you want to talk about it. Shut up!" You giggled slightly. " Thanks , But I just wanna cuddle you Jin."

" I'm here for that too!"

You two continued to cuddle and watch movies for the rest of the evening , Before the both of you drifted off into a peaceful sleep.

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