Taishiro Toyomitsu x Reader : Blanket Hog

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Taishiro was requested.
I apologize if this isn't what you requested.
Anyway for this one-shot you and Taishiro are already in a relationship.
I hope you enjoy. ^-^

" Taishiro! You're hogging all the blankets!" You laughed , Trying to pull a bit blanket off of Taishiro. Taishiro just chuckled along with you. " I can't help my largeness muffin , You know this."

" I know! Just , You take up too much blanket!" You rest your forehead against Taishiro's back , Continuing to pull at the blankets.

Taishiro chuckled once more , Turning to face you. Taishiro wrapped his arms around you , Bringing you into his tummy , Then rolling on his back,

He brought the blankets up to your neck , Then tighting his grip on your waist.

" This better muffin?" Taishiro tilted his head , Grinning at you widely.

You felt your face grow warm , Burying your face in his chest. "...Yeah."

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