Kendo Rappa x Reader : Play Fights

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There is little to no content on this man and that makes me so sad in life (T-T). Anyway for this one-shot you and rappa are already dating.

" Looks like i win again cutie." Rappa gave a smirk. Rappa currently was hovering over you , pinning you down on some blankets and pillows. This was something that you and rappa both enjoy. And that something was play fighting.

You let out a huff in frustration. " You always win.." You mumbled , as he got up off you. He gave you a faint chuckle. " That's what happens when ya fight in a ring for the majority of your life." He explained , ruffling your hair a bit. You pouted pushing his arm off.

Rappa let out another chuckle kissing your cheek. " One more fight?" You smiled slightly in a playful manner. His smirk grew at your words. " Ya sure? Ya might just lose again." You nodded with determination.

Rappa looked at you up and down while taking a deep breath. " 'Kay , Let's do this." With that you lunged at him , wrapping your arms around his neck trying to push him down. But since he's so strong , your not doing a thing. To most people , this probably looks like your just hugging him.

Rappa chuckled , wrapping his muscular arms around your waist then falling backwards. You let out a surprised gasp when your face landed on his chest. You leaned up slightly to see his smiling face. " Looks like ya win this time cutie."

You pouted. " Rappa , i know you just let me win.." you faceplated back on his chest. Rappa just shrugged. " Maybe i did , Maybe i didn't. You may never know." He said as he ruffled your head again.

You groaned hitting his chest playfully , making him laugh. " Ya got some spunk tonight." Rappa muttered smirk growing , making your face immediately turn red in embarrassment.

" Gross.." Overhaul mumbled , squinting his eyes at the two of you disgusted. You both look over at him standing in the doorway. " Something ya need overjerk?" Rappa spoke already knowing what overhaul wanted.

" I need you to pair up with the rest of the expendables and visit shigaraki and his dogs." Overhaul demanded briefly. Rappa sighed. " 'Kay. I'll be out in a second." He sat up with you still on him.

Overhaul nodded walking off. " Do you have to go?" You mumbled disappointed that he had to leave. " Yeah. Gotta do his dirty work , but I'll be back later , M'kay? " Rappa smirked kissing you , making you blush.

You slid off him , watching him get up to leave the room that overhaul agreed to let you stay in. " Rappa.." you called out. He turned to look at you. " Hm?"

" i..i love you." You gave a gently smile. Rappa blushed slightly , smirking. " I love you too."


Sorry if rappa was off character. I hope you enjoyed. ^-^

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