Mirio Togata x Reader : Mornings

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You and mirio are married in this one shot.


You slowly opened your eyes to see bright light shine through the windows. You turn your head to see that the time is 8:07 Am. When you tried to get up , you felt a grip tightening on your waist. You turned your head to see mirio still sleeping.

You gave a small smile , taking a deep breath. You then tried to escape his grasp , but he groaned tightening his grip on you once again , making you look back at him for the second time.

" Don't go..you're too warm.." mirio mumbled lazily burying his face into your shoulder. You giggled petting his floofy bed head. " i was going to make us breakfast though."

"Mmmmm...no. too comfy." He opened his eyes to look at you , smiling slightly. You smiled back and started to shake your head. " well , i have to get up soon anyway. Civilians need to be saved." You tried to do your best heroic voice.

Mirio did his best not to chuckle. " No , you stay with me in bed all day!" Mirio implied cheerfully. " you might have the day off , but i dont."

Mirio smirked playfully. " Could i try to convince you to stay with me?" He sat up , still keeping his playful smirk. " i don't think you can , but you can try." You said equally playful.

Mirio's smirk grew , as he crawled over now hovering above you. You became stunned at this action of his , blushing like a mess. Mirio started to lean down , making you even more embarrassed.

Just when your lips almost connected , he started to tickle you. You busted out laughing , trying to escape this tickle torture. " M-MIRIO!!!! Hahaha STAHP!!!!" You managed to shout in between breaths.

Mirio laughed as well. " What's the magic word?" " OK!!! I'LL STAY HOME!!!!" With that mirio finally stopped tickling you , letting you breath. Mirio chuckled slightly. " Sorry that i did that to you." He said , as he kissed your cheek.

You let out a deep breath. " it's ok. Could you help me call the hero agency? So i can tell them my husband is going to tickle me to death if i leave for work."

Mirio let out a laugh. " yup!"


I hope you enjoyed this.

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