Tamaki Amajiki x Reader : Lighting Bugs

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Tamaki was requested by Rosetale_Frisk22
For this one-shot you and tamaki are already in a relationship , I hope you enjoy. ^-^
And I apologize that this took a long time to write!

" Ooh , Tamaki look at that one." You pointed at another lightning bug , Smiling widely. Tamaki had a small smile of his own , Admiring how happy you looked.

You two had planned this date for awhile , A nice picnic while watching the sunset. Most people found it kinda cheesy , But hey you two are having fun nonetheless. You two were about to leave , But you noticed a lightning bug , Making one of the biggest smiles appear on your face. " Tamaki , Tamaki look!"

So continuing your date by watching lightning bugs , Was a good idea. Mostly for you , But tamaki was glad he could see you so happy.

" Tamaki look look look! Two of them are flying together! Isn't that cute?" You turned to the raven haired boy , Who started to blush when you looked at him. " Y-yeah , It's very cute (y/n)."

He turned away , Embarrassed that you caught him staring at you. You laughed lightly , Leaning over to kiss tamaki on the cheek. " You're too precious tamaki!" You spoke cheerfully , Making the shy elf boy blush more.

" You're too bright (y/n)..." " It's dark out though."

Tamaki looked back at you , Giving you a pout. You let out another laugh , Leaning towards tamaki to kiss him on the cheek once more. " I'm only joking! No need to do a pout."

Sorry if it ended on a weird note! Anyway , I don't know if I already said this but requests are open again! Yeet! ^-^

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