Tamaki Amajiki x Reader : Heartbeat

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Cute elf was requested!
For this one-shot , You and Tamaki are already in a relationship.
I hope you enjoy! ^-^

I apologize if it ended on a weird note!

You smiled, Entering your bedroom to find tamaki sleeping peacefully on his back. You had a long day at work , And all you wanted to do was sleep.

After you got ready to hit the hay , You just flopped (gently) onto tamaki. You heard him groan , Immediately feeling bad that you woke him. He opened his eyes slowly , Looking down to see you smiling up at him.

" H-hey tamaki." You laughed nervously , Again feeling bad that you woke him. He said nothing , But just blushing hard. " I'm sorry for waking you up." You quickly apologized , Before resting laying your head onto his chest , Your ear right over where his heart is.

" N-no , It's fine. I wasn't really in t-that much a deep sleep anyways." He stuttered , Wrapping his arms around you. Tamaki felt his heartbeat pick up speed at the closeness. He sure that you could hear it.

" Oh , Ok. But still , I didn't mean to wake you." You quickly leaned up to press a kiss to the bottom of his chin , Before returning to your position. " Let get some sleep."

" Y-Yeah , Ok."

It was silent for awhile , Until you spoke-

" Tamaki , Your heart is beating really fast." You chuckled , Only Making the shy boy blush more.

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