Mirio Togata x Reader : Walks

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Mirio was requested by @Denki-Bro
For this one-shot you and mirio are already in a relationship.
I hope you enjoy. ^-^

I apologize if this isn't what you wanted!

" Thanks for walking me home mirio , I really appreciate it." You cheered , Rocking yours and mirio's held hands back and forth with a comfortable pace.

" Oh! It's no problem at all honeybun! I mean...You do live only five minutes away from me walking wise." Mirio laughed , Grinning at the tiny blush appearing on your cheeks.

" Yeah...Right." You chuckled along with the ball of beans known as mirio.

It was only a few more minutes of walking before you two reached your home. Mirio walked you up to the front doorway.

" Well , I best be going to my own home then. I love ya (y/n)!" Mirio booped his nose against yours , Then quickly placing a kiss on your cheek.

" Bye honeybun!" Mirio chirped , Waving his hand goodbye at a rapid pace , As you watched him go on his way.

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