Tamaki Amajiki x Reader : Exhausted

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Shy elf boi was requested by zoe_animebaka , My first time writing a x reader for tamaki , So i hope i do well ^-^ For this one-shot you and tamaki are already married. Also you and tamaki are pro heroes and share an agency.

Tamaki glanced over at you with a worried expression. You were slumped over your desk , Writing back people who sent you fan-mail.

It's something that you enjoyed doing , But this time you went overboard with the amount of fan-mail answered , And everyone around you could tell that you were beyond exhausted. " (Y/n).." Tamaki called , Walking over to you.

" Yeah mirio?" You mumbled , Placing a finished letter in a envelope. " (Y-y/n)...I'm tamaki." You looked up at him , Squinting your eye's a bit. " Oh yeah...Hey babe." You smiled. Tamaki once again gave a worried look.

" (Y-y/n) , I think you need some sleep.." Tamaki suggested , Placing a hand on your shoulder. You just shrugged it off. " I'm fine! I'm just flowing with energy!" You laughed.

Tamaki shook his head , carefully Pulling you out of your seat. " You're denying that your exhausted and that's not healthy."

Tamaki placed his hands on your cheeks , Kissing your forehead. " Go get some sleep , Please (y/n)." You let out a deep sigh , Leaning into tamaki' s touch. " Ok. If you're that worried , I'll go sleep."

You smiled , Kissing one of tamaki' s hand. Tamaki gave a small smile. " Good , I love you (y/n). Get some rest." Tamaki kissed your forehead once more.

" I love you too tamaki , And I'll try."

I'm sorry that this took so long to get out , But i hope you were pleased with your requests.

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