Mirio Togata x Reader : Competition / Part Two

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I've wanted to do a part two for this for awhile. I hope you enjoy ^-^

You and tamaki were sitting beside each other , at a outdoor table at a ice cream parlour. " tamaki , how did you feel when you found out that mirio and nejire were having a competition about our shyness?" You asked tilting your head a bit , while picking at the table.

Tamaki sighed quietly. " i know they mean well , but it did kinda hurt." Tamaki admitted. you nodded , then took a deep breath. " maybe...we could have a competition of our own?" You mumbled , making tamaki look at you with a surprised look.

" Wouldn't that hurt their feelings though?" Tamaki implied worrying a bit. You just went silent for a bit , making tamaki sigh. " I guess...we could try...B-but nothing to mean!" Tamaki stuttered a bit. You smiled slightly. " Ok , But should the competition be?" You asked as tamaki shrugged.

Just before you two could discuss anything else , Mirio and nejire arrived. " Hey there friend and girlfriend!" Mirio called out cheerfully to the both of you. Nejire smiled waving.

The two of them arrived at the table , Looking at the way you and tamaki were sitting. Mirio looked between the two of you. " Hmm...Hey tamaki , Could you maybe sit beside nejire? I think i should be the one sitting beside (y/n). You know?"

Tamaki eye's widened slightly , But he just nodded getting up and walking to the other side of the table. When everyone sat down , You and tamaki shared eye contact. Later you and tamaki agreed that you were going to have a competition of you can make mirio or nejire jealous more.


It's been a couple days of trying to make mirio jealous. So far he's fallen for it a couple times , Just wrapping his arms around you though , As you continued talking to tamaki. Nejire has fallen for it too , So you and tamaki were somewhat pleased with the outcome. Today was going to be the last day of it though , But you and tamaki both were going to make it the biggest one out of them all.

You took a deep breath , Before walking out of your room with a swim suit on. Mirio glanced up at you , Face turning a dark shade of pink. " H-hey there (y/n)! What are you doing?" Mirio smiled , But he was trying to calm down at the same time. You're face also turned red. " Oh , Me and tamaki were going to a pool together." Mirio perked up in a excited way.

" Pool? Cool! Is nejire going too?" Mirio got up from his place on the couch. You shook your head while putting on one of mirio's shirts to cover up. " No , It's just going to be me and him." Mirio walked over to you , Giving a frown. " You're hanging out with tamaki a lot lately..." Mirio stopped walking when he reached you , But he looked away from you. " It's starting to hurt...Am i not good enough for you anymore?"

Making mirio this way made you feel bad for even coming up with this whole thing. You hugged mirio tightly. " I'm so sorry! It was a competition that tamaki and i came up with to get back at you guys!" You teared up , Grabbing onto mirio tighter. It was silent for a minute...Until you heard him laugh.

You pulled back slightly , Looking up at mirio confused as heck. He continued to laugh , But he still talked back. " I-i know! I just wanted to tease you a bit!" You were shocked with his words. " Are you joking?" You felt like crying even more. Mirio shook his head. " No , Sorry. But i kinda figured it out by the second time you did it." He grinned , Rubbing the back of his neck.

" I hope i didn't hurt your feelings though." You sighed. " How come i'm always the one getting teased in this relationship.." You muttered against his chest. Mirio let out another laugh. " Because your reactions are so adorable!" He beamed , Making you blush.

I hope you enjoyed , Sorry if it sucked.

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