Muscular x Reader : Boop

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For this one-shot you and muscular are already in a relationship.
I hope you enjoy. ^-^

You giggled softly while muscular chuckled along with you. You two were currently laying in bed , With you ontop of him , With muscular's hands on your legs near your thighs.

" Do it again muscular." You mumbled quietly , resting your head on his chest. Muscular laughed shaking his head as he poked your nose.

" Boop." He smirked , Watching your smile grow. You reached up pressing your finger against his nose. " Boop.."

You and muscular shared a laugh once again. You two just laid there in silence for awhile , Muscular had watched you slowly fall asleep.

Muscular sighed deeply , Grabbing a nearby blanket , Draping it over you two. " Get some rest goofball.." Muscular spoke quietly , Running his hands through your hair as he drifted off to sleep as well.

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