Chisaki Kai x Reader : Are you mad?

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Overhaul was requested by Overhual55 I hope enjoy. ^-^
In this one-shot you and Chisaki are already in a relationship.

You fidgeted with your hands nervously. You could feel Chisaki's cold gaze on you , But in reality he was just writing up a grocery list.

" Chisaki , Are you mad at me?" You suddenly asked in a jittery like manner , Turning your head to face him. Chisaki glanced up from the paper to you.

" No. I'm not angry with you." " Are you sure?" " I'm sure."

You looked at Your fidgety hands once again. But after a few minutes of silence...

" Are you sure you're not mad at me? Cause I feel like-" " (Y/n)." You jumped slightly at his interruption. "I will get angry if you keep asking."

You two kept eye contact for awhile , Before Chisaki sighed deeply. " Why are you even asking that in the first place , Hm? You didn't do anything wrong." Chisaki rested his head on his propped up hand , Raising an eyebrow at you , Awaiting your for your response.

" Well I..Um..I spilled water on one of your..jackets.." You hesitated , Playing with with your hands once more. You heard chisaki sigh. " As long as you cleaned it , It's fine. And besides it was water anyway." He replied , Turning back to the grocery list.

" So...You're not mad then?" " For the fourth time , I said no." He shot you a small glare. You flinched slightly at his look. Then a few moments later- " Now it looks like your mad at me.." " Get out."

Sorry that this took awhile to get out.

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