Muscular x Reader : Big Baby...

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The beefy boi. UWU

For this one-shot you and muscular are already in a relationship.
I hope you enjoy. ^-^

You jumped slightly at the sound of your front door slamming shut. You gave a confused look , Watching muscular stomp towards you. He grabbed the book you were reading , Throwing it across the room , Before sitting on your lap.

He straddle you , Wrapping his arms around your waist , Placing his forehead onto your shoulder. You slowly returned his hug , Patting his back a bit.

You heard him groan , Relaxing a bit in your embrace. " You wanna talk about it..." You spoke , Running your hands up and down his back.

You felt muscular tighten his grip around you , Silently telling you no.

" Ah , Alright then...Did you have to throw my book though?" You looked at your book across the room. Muscular groaned once more , Making you chuckle slightly.

Muscular may be a jerk , But he was a big baby.

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