Ryo Inui x Reader : Calm

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For this one-shot you and Ryo are already in a relationship.
I hope you enjoy. ^-^

I apologize if it ended on a weird note.

You and ryo we're sitting on the couch. He was watching television , While you were reading a book.
Ryo laid his head on your thigh , Flipping threw the channels.

After awhile of him flipping through , He grew aggravated by not being able to find anything interesting.

He started growling quietly , But it was still loud enough for you to hear it. Your hand went into his hair , Running your fingers through the fluff to help calm him down.

After a few minutes of playing with his hair , You started to scratch his head. And then finally you heard ryo let out a content sigh.

You you let out a sigh of your own in relief that you'd manage to calm him down.

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