Tenya Iida x Reader : Too loud...

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For this one-shot you and Iida are already in a relationship.
I hope you enjoy. ^-^

Today , You and Iida were at the grocery store , Picking up a couple of items that were running low at the U.A dorms. So far , You got the normal stuff , Eggs , Bread , Milk , All the Jazz.

Now it was time to pick out random snacks that you guys can much on throughout the days. " Ooh! Iida lets get donuts!" You smiled brightly , Looking at the box of (Insert donut type) donuts.

" (Y/n)! THAT IS A VERY POOR CHOICE! WE U.A STUDENTS MUST KEEP A HEALTHY BODY TO BECOME GREAT HEROES , IF YOU KEEP FILLING UP ON ARTIFICIAL SUGAR , YOU'LL LOSE THAT FEATURE!!!" Iida lectured , With a very loud voice , Making everyone around you look at him with concerned yet annoyed looks.

You let out a small sigh , Placing your hand over his talkative mouth. " Iida , You're too loud."

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