Testsutetsu Tetsutetsu x Reader : I'm Here

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Tetsutetsu was requested. UvU
For this one-shot you and tetsutetsu are already in a relationship.
I hope you enjoy. ^-^

Warning! Anxiety , Panic attacks. If you're not comfortable with that please don't read.

You let out a quiet but deep breath , Rocking back and forth on a chair in your living room. You immediately jumped at the noise of the door opening.

You and tetsutetsu locked eyes , His filling with worry. " Hey hey! Are you ok!?" Tetsu dropped the groceries , Rushing over to you , Placing his hands on your upper arms.

Tears began to leak from your eyes , As you faked a grin , Giving tetsutetsu a thumbs up.

"...But..You're crying (y/n)." Tetsutetsu leaned closer towards you , Wiping a few tears from your cheek. You tensed up , Wiping a couple tears as well.

Tetsutetsu let out a breath. " Was it your anxiety again?" He tilted his head in concern. You didn't move nor talk.

Tetsutetsu let out another breath. Tetsu brought you into his arms , Running his fingers through your hair.

" Whatever it is (y/n) , Your manly man tetsutetsu is here now."

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