Rikiya Katsukame x Reader : Too much cuddles...

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Buff bird...
This one-shot was requested by @yeehaw1012

" Rikiya..No." You mumbled trying to escape rikiya's hold on you. He literally just lifted you from off your couch , Bringing you into the bedroom that way you could cuddle. It was the only place big enough for the both of you.

" Cmon cutie! We haven't even cuddled this week!" Rikiya exclaimed , Wrapping his large arms around your waist.

" Rikiya...We cuddled an hour ago..." " Right!?! It's been too long (y/n)!"

Rikiya then brought you even more closer to him , Placing his chin ontop of your head. You let out a deep breath. Wrapping your hands around Rikiya's neck as much as you could.

Rikiya just loves his cuddles too much...

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