Rikiya Katsukame x Reader : Warmth

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For this one-shot you and Rikiya are already in a relationship.
I hope you enjoy. ^-^

You and Rikiya cuddled together on the bed , Just talking about Rikiya's job and random topics like that.

Rikiya felt you quiver , Making him look down at you , Tilting his head in a bit of confusion.
" What're ya tremblin' for?"

" Oh..Um , I'm just cold. Nothing to worry about Rikiya!" You laughed nervously , Cuddling closer to Rikiya.

Rikiya quickly got up rushing over to a pile of blankets in the corner. He basically grabbed all of them , Then rushing back to throw the pile of blankets onto you.

After you moved the blankets out if your face , You felt Rikiya pick you up and placing you on his lap , Wrapping his arms around you.

" Better?" Rikiya questioned , Placing his head ontop of yours. You did your best to look up at him. You beamed , Cuddling closer to the blankets and Rikiya.

" Yeah..." You mumbled , Enjoying the warmth.

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