Taishiro Toyomitsu x Reader : Relax

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Fatgum was requested by zoe_animebaka , I hope you enjoy ^-^ Sorry if taishiro is out of character.

You let out an aggravated sigh , resting your head on your palm. Fatgum looked up from his desk , Glancing over at you. He raised an eyebrow at you. " Ya alright?"

Your gazed shifted to him then back at your desk. " Yeah , It's just this paperwork you wanted me to do." You gave a little chuckle. " But it's ok sir , I can handle it."

Fatgum nodded slightly as he stood up from his desk. He walked over to you humming. Fatgum strolled behind you , Placing his hands on your shoulder.

" W-what are you doing sir?" You blushed , Looking up at fatgum. He just smiled while running his hands across your shoulder blades. " Yer tense , Ya should relax."

Fatgum continued to massage your shoulders , Making you blush even more. You started to work on the paperwork once more , But you were alot more nervous.

Fatgum chuckled. " Yer even more tense then before. Is it cus of me?" Your face turned 10x more red. It's true that you had a crush on fatgum.

But you never thought you had a chance with him. Yes he's not as popular as all might or Hawks , Heck even endeavor. But he did have lots of fan girls that you thought he'd be more happy with.

So you'd never expect him to give you a massage...in his office not to mention. So heck yeah you're more tense then before.

" Well...It's just...This is..um." Fatgum chuckled at you're stuttering. He leaned down , Giving you a kiss on the head.

" You don't have to be tense 'round me (y/n). I actually like ya too , So don't be all nervous." Fatgum lectured with a big grin on his face.

He pat your head then walked over to his desk , You staring at him with wide eyes the whole time. He looked back at you , Chuckling once more.

" I bet yer wonderin' how I knew about you likin' me?" You nodded slowly , A blush making it's way on your cheeks."

" Well...That's a story for another time." Fatgum smirked slightly. You tensed once more , Afraid how he found out.

Fatgum shook his head letting out a sigh. " You need to relax more."

Sorry that this took awhile to get out.

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