Shinya Kamihara x Reader : Clumsy / Part two

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Ah! A part two was requested by @zoe_animebaka
I hope you enjoy. ^-^

It had been a couple of weeks since you started to work with edgeshot , And boy an exciting time it was! Every time you saw him , You'd always manage to do something that caught everyone's attention.

You started to wonder why edgeshot kept you around , All you do is mess something up. (Ah! Just clumsiness wise!)

You took a deep breath before knocking on edgeshot's office door. " Come In." You heard his slightly muffled voice. You slowly opened the door , Peaking your head in.

" Hey , Um..May I speak with you with Mr. Edgeshot?" He looked up from his papers. " Ah , (Y/n). Of course , Have a seat. And please , Call me edgeshot , No need for the Mr. " He gestured to one of the chairs in front of the desk.

You nodded , Stepping into his office , Closing the door behind you , Before taking a seat. " So what seems to be the matter?" Edgeshot raised an eyebrow , Resting his head onto of his hands.

" I was just-...I was just wondering why you're keeping me around?" You spoke with unhappiness in your voice , Unlike your usual perky tone.

Edgeshot's expression shifted into a confused one. " What do you mean (Y/n)? You're a good sidekick , You help me out a lot." " But , I'm so clumsy! I mess stuff up all the time!" Before you could continue speaking , You heard him laugh.

" W-Why are you Laughing?" A small blush began to appear on your face. " Is that what you think you're doing? (Y/n) , You bring laughter to me and my other sidekicks. If you weren't here , It would probably be so quiet."

Now it was your turn to be the one with the confused look. " So..You're saying I don't mess things up?"

" Not at all , You actually fixed the dullness that filled  my agency. So for that (Y/n) , I thank you."

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