Hawks x Shy! Reader : Social Anxiety

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Hawks was requested by @aazutoorihara
For this one-shot you and hawks are already in a relationship.
I hope you enjoy. ^-^

You knew that being in a relationship with the number 2 hero was going to be a challenge. Everyone knew you were hawks girlfriend , And that was not a fun time considering how shy you were.

People wanted pictures of you , Wanted your autograph , And you weren't even a pro hero!
So , You were well aware how much attention you and hawks were going to receive today.

You and hawks walked through the mall , Hand in hand. " Hey (Y/n) , How about we stop for some chicken-" " AHHH , ITS HAWKS!!!" A couple of fangirls screamed in awe.

They rushed to you two , Wide smiles on their face. From their screams of joy , More people rushed over to meet the young hero.

Hawks grinned , Waving at his fans. You however , You were trying to hid behind hawks. You lifted one of his wings , Hiding in-between them.

Hawks laughed at your actions , Using his wings to hug you tightly. He continued to talk with his fans , But it wasn't too long before people pointed you out.

" Hawks is that your girlfriend!"



The girls screamed in awe once more , Making your face explode with embarrassment. " Hawks..." You muttered , Hoping he'll decline their requests. But he being the person he is , Lifted his wings and pulling you out of your hiding place.

He brought you in front him , Hugging you from behind , Placing his chin on top of your head. " Yep! This little cutie right here is (Y/n)." Hawks smirked , Looking down at you.

You just blushed , Freezing at the amount of eyes on you two. " As for us kissing..." He trailed off , Looking at the side. You stared up at him with worry in your eyes.

Kissing was supposed to be a private thing for you two , He knows this , You know this , WHY WAS HE THINKING ABOUT IT!!!!

" Sorry , But that'll have to wait! It was nice talking to you folks!" Hawks picked you up bridal style , Flying off into the sky.

It was silent between you two for a bit...Until he started to laugh. " T-That wasn't funny hawks!" You muttered against his chest.

" Oh , But it was my dear (y/n)!" He leaned down , Placing a kiss onto the top of your head.

" Now about that chicken!"

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