Taishiro Toyomitsu x Reader : Sleep talking

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Taishiro was requested by zoe_animebaka  I hope you enjoy! ^-^ For this one-shot you and taishiro are already dating.

It was 2:47 AM , Taishiro was asleep next two you , While you were being a night owl scrolling through memes. You felt him shift a bit , Afraid that you woke him up. " (Y/n)..." Taishrio mumbled. ' Crap...'

" Y-yes taishiro?" You answered laughing awkwardly. " Did you unplug the toaster?" You immediately became confused , You looked at him and you could see that he was asleep thanks to the light from your phone.

Oh...This was going to be fun.

" What toaster taishiro?" You asked , Trying not to giggle. " The one in the closet..." You let a laugh escape your mouth. " (y/n)...This is serious..unplug it before it throws pickles at me..."

You couldn't help but laugh more. You leaned down to kiss his forehead. " Goodnight taishiro."

* That morning*

Taishiro let out a yawn , Scratching his bare chest walking into the kitchen. He saw you sitting at the table drinking (beverage of your choice) , Smiling widely at him.

" Hey." You greeted him joyfully. " Hey...?" He gave you a confused look. " Why are ya lookin' at me like that?"

You shook your head mumbling a quick nothing. Taishiro shrugged , Opening the fridge grabbing a whole box of waffles to make. " The toaster is in the closet..." you said casually , Taking a sip of your drink.

He looked at you even more confused. " Huh?" " Make sure to unplug it so it doesn't throw pickles at you.."

Taishiro shook his head , Placing the waffles in the large toaster oven. " Ya sure are weird this mornin'..."

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