Hitoshi Shinsou x Reader : Nice Catch

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Hitoshi was once again requested.
For this one-shot you and Hitoshi are already in a relationship.
I hope you enjoy. ^-^

You placed your finger onto your chin in deep thought , Looking at hitoshi who was talking to someone from class 1-A.

A certain green haired boy caught your attention , You quickly waved him a over. When he glanced over to you , He gave you a confused look , But walked to you anyway.

" Hey (y/n). Is there Something you need?" Izuku questioned , Smiling at you nervously. " Hey Izuku , Do you think that if I run at full speed at hitoshi and jump , Do you think he would catch me?" You pointed to the said male.

Izuku looked looked at hitoshi then back to you. " K don't know (y/n) , It could be too risky. You never know what could happen- (Y/n) WAIT-"

Before Izuku could stop you , You were already on the move.

" HITOOOSHIIII!!!! COMING IN!!!" You shouted , Making everyone around you look your way. Including hitoshi.

" (Y/n) no! I have coffee-" And then you jumped.

Hitoshi immediately dropped his coffee to catch you. You both just sat there for a moment. " Heh...Nice catch hitoshi!!!"

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