Taishiro Toyomitsu x Reader : Anxiety

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Fatgum was requested by zoe_animebaka . For this one-shot you and taishiro are married.
( WARNING : Anxiety , Panic attacks. If your not comfortable with that then don't read.)

Taishiro knows you have anxiety , More anxiety than others. Your so worried all the time about If he'll come home safe or If he got killed or hurt by a villain. So when you called to the hospital after the yakuza raid , You were filled with anxiety to the brim.

Even seeing him in his skinny form gave you anxiety. But taishiro gave you a reassuring smile , Saying that everything was ok. But this was the worst you've felt in a long time. It was two A.M , And taishiro still wasn't home. Taishiro was usually home by ten , So of course you have anxiety right now. You tried to call his agency , Personal phone , Tamaki's phone , You name it. But no answer from taishiro and tamaki didn't know where he was.

You sat in the living , Rocking back and forth , Trying to think about anything else besides all the bad things that could've happened to your taishiro. You were so focused that you didn't notice taishiro walk through the front door.

He was surprised to see you still awake. " Oh , Hey (y/n). What are ya doin' up?" Taishiro asked you while taking off his jacket. He raised an eyebrow when you didn't respond. " (Y/n)?"

Taishiro walked in front of you , Squatting down to be eye level with you. He poked your forehead , Calling your name once again. You were brought out of your focused state , Looking up at taishiro. Your eye's widened a bit , As he sighed a bit in relief.

" There ya are. I thought ya were affected by some villains quirk or somethin'." Taishiro grinned. Before he could stand up properly , You wrapped your arms around him , With silent tears running down your face. " I-i thought you were dead taishiro.." You mumbled against his shoulder. Taishiro immediately wrapped his arms around you , Feeling terrible for being out so late and making you worry.

" Hey hey , It's ok. I'm here." He pulled away from you , To look you in the eyes. Taishiro gave you a gentle smile wiping away your tears. You couldn't stop the tears from coming out though. " I was so w-worried." " I know and i'm sorry.." Taishiro placed a kiss on your forehead.

He hugged you once again , Letting you bury your face into the crook of his neck. Taishiro lifted you up from your place on the couch , Bringing you into your shared bedroom. He set you on the bed , laying down beside you. Taishiro brought you closer into his chest , allowing you to listen to his heartbeat.

" (Y/n) , I'm really sorry that i didn't come home sooner." Taishiro muttered. You let out a shakey breath. " It's ok taishiro , I just...I just wouldn't know what to do if you were to get hurt or killed. I don't think i could-" "Shhh....Don't think 'bout it. No villain is goin' bring me down!" Taishiro said in a enthusiastic tone. You smiled slightly with a small laugh.

Taishiro smiled down at you. " I love ya (y/n) , I'm not goin' anywhere and i promise to come home as soon as i can from now on." You're smile grew. " I love you too taishiro.."

With that the two of you fell into a peaceful sleep.

I'm sorry if it sucked.

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