Hawks x Reader : Insecurities

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For this one-shot you and hawks are already dating.
( WARNING : body image issues will be used in this one shot , so if your not comfortable with that please DON'T READ.)

you and hawks were hanging out at your home/apartment , because luckily he got the weekend off. he was on th couch looking at endeavor memes , while you were making him a chicken sandwich.

you heard him laugh loudly. " babe come here." hawks called out to you. you quickly finished making his food , then walked into the living room. you placed his food on the coffee table in front of the couch , then tried to sit beside him , but instead hawks pulled you into his lap.

" um.." you accidentally said out loud , making hawks look at you a bit confused. " are you okay?" you mentally hit yourself for saying that out loud. " yeah its just..i don't really feel comfortable sitting on your lap."

hawks turned off his phone , becoming even more confused. " you've sat on my lap before." " i know. but now i feel like I'm crushing you because I'm so fat." you said laughing nervously , while turning your head to look away from hawks.

hawks grabbed your face making you look at him , when your were facing him correctly he kissed your lips passionately. hawks gave you a serious expression when he pulled away. " i don't want to hear you say that again." he started.

" (y/n) , you're the most amazing girl ive ever met. you're smart , kind , caring , and so much more. you are far from fat , so don't call yourself that , because that is a big lie. you are so freaking beautiful." hawks gave you that smirk that you fell for.

you smiled sincerely , tearing up a bit. " thank you baby." you hugged him , and he immediately hugged you back.

" i love you so much (y/n)." "i love you too." you two shared another kiss. when hawks pulled away , he turned his phone on again. " now time for those memes!"

( i hope you enjoyed. and to any girls/boys with body image issues reading this , just love yourself. don't be insecure about how you look , you're perfect the way you are. love ya-self ya beautiful fam <3 )

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