Muscular x Reader : Morning appearance

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I haven't been writing about muscular a lot , So I kinda feel bad.
For this one-shot you and muscular are already in a relationship.
I hope you enjoy. ^-^

You sat with toga at the bar , Just chatting , Talking about life and stuff. " So , Do you want to know who I stabbed today?" Toga grinned , Bouncing up and down with excitement.

" Toga , It's only nine AM , How did you already stab someone?" You questioned , Laughing slightly. She let out a laugh of her own. " Oh , I have my ways (Y/n)!"

You shook your head , Taking a sip of your drink. You turned your head , When you heard the sound of the door closing.

You almost spit out your drink with laughter. It was the muscle head himself , Muscular. His hair was all over the place , He looked like he was half asleep , And His clothes wasn't even on properly.

" Oi...Don't laugh at me.." Muscular mumbled , Walking to sit down next to you. He laid his head onto your shoulder , Wrapping his arms around you.

" You look tired muscle man!" Toga chirped , Leaning onto the bar so she can look at him properly. Muscular shot her a glare , Only to be greeted with a laugh coming from her.

You let out a chuckle as well , Petting his floofy hair. " I think you might to check your appearance before getting here muscular." You slid your drink over to him , With a small smile.

He just groaned in response , Grabbing the drink.

" Does it look like I care.."

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